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Meet Agnes, combining empathy aging at MIT

May 30, 2014 Last update 00:12 BST clock

Today, people are living longer than ever before, and come new challenges on how to improve the quality of life of an aging population worldwide.

AgeLab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has a suit, saying that develops the aging process, the young people have simulated faced a better idea of the physical challenges of older adults.

Dr. Joseph Coughlin, director of AgeLab explained that the purpose of the combination - called Agnes for Age Gain Now Empathy System - making the world more accessible for the elderly and a better life for the people, and at what age.

Rajini Vaidyanathan BBC showed how it looks in the age of "20 to 80 in 20 minutes."

Filmed by Ian Cartwright; Edited by Joni field Mazer


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People in rich countries are getting older. But life is still of a better life? Earlier we have dedicated a number to the challenges of aging and how they will be met by an aging population
