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UK Winter Storms: The orphaned baby seals elderly patients back to the sea

December 5th, 2014 at 00:10 GMT clock Last updated

A year ago, leaving the worst storm in more than 60 years back was severely beaten in the UK.

The storms coincided with gray seal breeding season, which takes place in early December. Dozens of pups separated from their mothers in heavy seas.

Over a period of three days, the number of seal pups admitted to the Center of East Winch RSPCA wildlife more than 100 58 Grey joined the 50 miners doubled seals that had been since the summer.

A year later, at the approach of winter, and volunteers at the center, which prepared in the event of new influx.

But the problem is not only time - the center is to increase the number of disease seals (all but three of the current residents) to see, but can not determine why.

BBC News Center Manager Alison joined Charles to meet some of their furry friends.

Journalist Video: Nikki Nahal

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