
Question mark in the solution process

ISTANBUL - 01/07/2014 10:10:13

Presented with the bill to Parliament, the Government, for the first time gave a specific and mandatory step in the settlement process. This decision is the most visible problem and generates a series of questions that the government can not avoid answering.

This decision, which takes place shortly before the presidential election, led to comments that this is a gesture to the Kurds. But you need to have a look at the content of the project and to discuss their consequences, rather than focusing on whether a gesture, because what is at stake here is the problem The most critical of Turkey, as the President, Abdullah Gül in , 2009.

With this project, officially the solution process of the legitimate government. This shows that he heard criticism that the process had no legal basis. As we know, the party of jailed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), Abdullah Ocalan it, to repeat this review for a long time was.

The government is allowed to be the process of the adoption of the law. Those who claim that the talks have full legal protection; this is the most important feature of the bill.
The bill also that the PKK militants who were not involved in a terrorist attack is rehabilitated and reintegrated into society when they are put down their weapons. This is nothing new. Existing laws already provide a full immunity from prosecution of activists who have never been involved in a terrorist incident.

This statement confirms that the solution process has only just begun. The government has moved planned for a peaceful and democratic solution to the Kurdish question, but not addressed in the draft submitted to Parliament? The Government will carry out the process in a transparent manner or hide behind closed doors? Since transparency is needed in this process and that this is a problem for Turkey, not the PKK, the government will create a fertile ground for the expression of views of the country, proposals and projects to address the question? The Government acknowledges that lasting peace requires social consensus? It is generating the necessary mechanisms for these? For this purpose, how you react to the proposal from the Republican People's Party (CHP) Deputy Chairman Sezgin Tanrikulu create a committee of social consensus in Parliament? Are there any plans to create an environment of social consensus? You can expand the list of questions, and the government needs to give plausible answers.

If the government does not consider it necessary to consider these details, because the problem is solved when the militants is to lay the arms, a mistake, because the PKK is no longer to disarm as a result of recent events in Syria and Iraq . Apparently unwilling to disarm their leader Ocalan to make a call, to be yourself. Who coordinates the process needs to be aware of. The settlement process is affected by events in the Middle East. Therefore, you should alternate plans. However, I must emphasize that the ruling party can not be trusted because of its recent foreign policy initiatives.

If the calculation of the government is considered limited is to win the support of the Kurds in the presidential election and I think it will pave the way for their actions until 2015 general elections, which means that we help pave a process of hope, exploitation and wishes for peace and settlement of people, and a law of this kind would be memorable for all of us.

CAFER solgun (Zaman Cihan / today)

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