
ANTHC wins $ 153 million settlement

$ 153 million, the new scheme to the huge cost of a support contract return Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Indian Health Service. The regulation allows a delay of 15 years underpayments and announced on Friday.

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Attorney Lloyd Miller said, this is similar to the recent agreement with the founding of the South Centre, with one big difference.

"What sets him apart is that it is the largest settlement in the history of ever by a tribe or tribal organization and the U.S. reached," he said.

The agreement is for a period of 15 years from 1999 to 2014. Miller said that because the health service contracts lead to ANTHC, are great, there were also important commitments that have accumulated due to lack of funding the contract.

"Because the federal agency has the Health Service India does not pay to operate the full amount of the contract to the hospital and have therefore cuts have been made in recent years, new service lines were not as fast as possible," Miller said. The revenue from Medicare and Medicaid have suffered because the services are not provided, and these are all elements used in the transaction with the Indian Health Service. "

Miller has fought for American Tribal contract payments based on the decisions of the Supreme Court in 2005 and 2012 Miller. Said President Obama has urged Congress to support the overall market for tribal markets in the future. There were between 300 million and 400 million in IHS and tribal settlements of Alaska about 600 million domestically.

There are still many left-back claims to address both in Alaska and across the country.

ANTHC Chairman Andy Teuber could not be reached for comment.

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