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Genetic Genealogy: Find the face of our ancestors DNA

June 3 2014 Last updated at 00:15 BST clock

Today everyone can look online to find out who our ancestors, and soon hope geneticists that DNA can also show their faces.

Mark Shriver, professor of anthropology and genetics at the University of Pennsylvania, and Peter Claes, University of Leuven in Belgium, four years worked in the genetics of facial features which., The relationship between genetic sequences, facial features and skin tones means

You have enough to the genotype data to reconstruct the DNA of a grandmother and an estimate of the surface based grandchildren.

Professor Shriver is convinced that in two years, the idea is to see the faces of our grandparents no longer science fiction.

The BBC filmed, as Professor Shriver tested volunteers at the Historical Society of New York at the World Science Festival to see genes as Genealogy second favorite pastime of Americans, is changing.

Produced by the BBC Anna Bressanin

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