
Norfolk fossils beach rhino revealed by storm surges

Fossil experts have discovered evidence of a rhino on a beach in Norfolk, there are about 700,000 years after a storm surge the vertebrae of the animal uncovered.

heavy seas, which in West Runton, near Cromer, in January beat dug part of the Atlas bone up the rocks and the beach - the first cervical vertebra, which articulates with the skull.

"There was recently found some interest in the field scouring Cromer cliff geological" Martin fossil expert Warren said.

The former curator at the Museum Cromer added: "After the storms and more people come to see what they can find ... but the bed Freshwater West Runton is a valuable resource of science."

Cervical vertebrae, which probably come from the Stephanorhinus hundsheimensis now disappeared, which is the size of a Sumatran rhino a time when interglacial Cromer known.

Paleontologist Dr. James Neenan, the museum "Although this trial in West Runton, a huge amount of Pleistocene [Ice Age] fossils are found along the coast of Norfolk Sheringham to Happisburgh, found" Oxford University Natural History, said.

"This period of millions of years after the dinosaurs died out, at a time when mammals ruled the earth.

"Some of the animals live in Norfolk during this time, can still be found, such as small rodents, bats, snakes and vipers.

"But there were also some very different, often huge animals at this time, as well as mammoths, giant beavers, bison, wolves, lions, and, of course, rhinos," he said.

The sample will now be sent to a scientific identification.

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