
larger diamond; Revealing the secrets of North America & # 039

Africa is home to the largest diamonds in the world - but advances in extraction technology allows other parts of the world participate in the event.

the Foxfire - Recently Canada has the largest diamond ever discovered in North America found.

He spent the last to the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History in Washington suspended two months.

Jane O'Brien, the BBC went to see.

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& # 039; pink feminine toys, gift & # 039; t deter women Engineering & # 039;

Parents put on the hat to the purchase pink stereotypical kind of gifts of Christmas for girls from the Institute of Engineering and Technology last month. They argued that these toys could girls from entering discourage academic career.

However, a number of women in this area in contact with the working family of the BBC and the Education page News Facebook to say that they do not agree.

We went Jade Leonard, a welding engineer of 30 years for the Sellafield nuclear plant to meet.

She said: "Growing up, I loved my Barbies, my dolls, clothes, makeup and everything female None that my decision influenced mathematics career or my Beng make ..

"Love, encouragement and support, I am good doing with my parents, siblings and teachers. I trust must go for what I wanted to do when I liked the pink or not!"

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Apollo I Disasters: How three astronauts died on Earth

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January 27, 1967, the crew of Apollo, who died when repeat his mission went wrong.


Yorkshire Wildlife Park firemen helping dental checkup offer polar bear

South Yorkshire firefighters were called a dental checkup to help give a polar bear.

The Yorkshire Wildlife Park staff noticed Victor had a discolored tooth.

Having set by firefighters to sleep and moved the 18-year-old was ready for "scrape and polish."

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London pollution: & # 039; High & # 039; Warning for air pollution

Pollution alert warnings are issued based at the bus stops, subway stations and billboards, as part of the new system by the Mayor of London Sadiq Khan.

Many Londoners, but go to shrug their daily activities without.

Produced by Alexi Peristianis and Greg Brosnan

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Quentin Willson promote the use of electric cars

Quentin Willson wants cheaper and simpler prices to encourage the use of electric vehicles.

The automotive journalist believes those that are loaded using the lowest emission vehicles.

In a personal film for the Tribune daily politics series, he said: "The price combinations are inscrutable, I counted 80 different price structures, before you lose the will to live."

Follow @daily_politics on Twitter and like you us on Facebook and see a new video and see the complete programs on iPlayer

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rarely by caesarean born in San Diego Zoo bat

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A Rodrigues fruit bat was born by Caesarean section at the San Diego Zoo.


Why are we zucchini?

The cost of imported vehicles, such as zucchini, lettuce, broccoli, and increases due to bad weather in Europe.

A provider, said a combination of floods, cold and low light creates a "perfect storm" of poor growing conditions.

Supermarkets also told the BBC that it. Concerns about the supply of fresh food

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BBC Breakfast presenter Meet & # 039; Orangu-cam & # 039;

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The breakfast team were aping one of the protagonists of the new series "Spy in the wilderness."

Trump & # 039; Scott Pruitt Grill candidate EPA oil trade

Donald Trump dial the Environmental Protection Agency, Scott Pruitt head, has faced some tough questions about his hearing.

Oklahoma Attorney General, which was grilled to your left the financing of energy companies, said he did not believe that climate change was a "hoax".

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The last man to walk on the moon, Gene Cernan died,

Former astronaut Gene Cernan, the last man to walk on the moon, has died at the age of 82 years.

Mark Craig's director the last man on the Moon, a documentary about Cernan. He told the Today - program that prided during the famous astronaut on his achievements, Cernan recognized that the moon reach ", came at a high price."

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Drone picture shows huge Antarctic ice cracks

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Air Video is a huge gap, leaving the British Antarctic Survey employees forced their bases.


SpaceX rocket blasts off successfully

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SpaceX successfully launched a rocket, its first mission since an explosion in September.


Blind Mice again his eyes

Scientists have discovered how to cure blindness in mice. Stem cells in mice could be used to treat due to degeneration of the retina in the future human blindness.

The researchers say that the Today program of adult stem cells from mice, which were then grown in small areas of light - were transplanted blind eyes sensitive retina in mice restore partial vision.

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Inside the secret life of polar bears

A camera on the neck of a polar bear mounted shows two bears through layers of ice to break, to hunt their prey.

The US Geological Survey expects the camera will help scientists to understand how animals respond better to declining levels of sea ice.

Videos courtesy of the US Geological Survey

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& # 039; Star Wars Gibbon & # 039; It is a new species of primates

A gibbon living in the tropical forests of south-west China is a new type of primate, the scientists said.

He was named to the hoolock Skywalker - partly because the Chinese characters of its scientific name - but also because scientists are fans of Star Wars.

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caught drinking culture Chimp on Video

The researchers used camera traps to film chimpanzees in Ivory Coast are just tools.

The film shows that intelligent primates immersed usually do sticks in special water - chewing the end of the stick it into an absorbent brush fresh water to.

Researchers examined 'dipsticks' primates and concluded that they specifically made to have been drinking.

The results are presented in the American Journal of Primatology.

Videos courtesy of Juan Lapuente, Comoe chimpanzees - protection project

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Culture shock in Amazon dam Brazil

Aboriginal groups and river dwellers are built in the struggle against the government and large companies in the major dams to meet the energy needs of Brazil.

The Belo Monte dam is the fourth in the world to produce largest dam capable of 11,000 MW, and more are planned.

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Notorious bird egg thief on the run in Brazil

A notorious thief eggs is in the race after Brazilian authorities granted it had lost.

Bob Elliot is responsible for the investigation of the RSPB, a charity in the UK, which ensure a healthy environment for birds and other wildlife works. He told the Today - program , which is Zimbabwe Jeffrey Lendrum "our natural heritage to steal from under the nose."

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China pollution: & # 039; It may be completely black & # 039;

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A look at life in the most polluted city in China. Shijiazhuang is currently under a thick layer of toxic smog.


Chicago Zoo are welcome Baby Orangutan

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Two weeks baby orangutan has its first public appearance at the Brookfield Zoo in Chicago.

to examine science in 2017,

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Rebecca Morelle is some important scientific expected in 2017 events.