
Doubt reluctant & # 039 casting; save lives & # 039; pans

It was expected that a large clinical trial in Malawi shows that children are healthier when they live in a house, cooked the food in a wood smoke rather than an open fire. But the study, whose results were published in the Lancet, found no difference in rates of pneumonia in children.

The disease is a leading cause of death in young children in developing countries, signals can be triggered, which hinder and irritate the developing lungs of children by continuous exposure to smoke particles.

BBC News science reporter Victoria Gill has followed this trial since it began. Here is Principal Investigator Dr. Kevin Mortimer explains the importance of the results and his own disappointment that "intervention by the chef" had no effect on the health and survival of young children in the poorest regions of the poorest countries of the world.

Video Victoria Gill

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