

Cheetahs threatened with extinction, according to a study

Urgent action is needed to stop the Cheetah - the fastest land animal on the planet - at risk, scientists say.

A study by the National Academy of Sciences of the United States estimates published that there are about 7,000 in the wild in Africa and a small area are now only Iran.

Matt McGrath reports.

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Baby rescued orangutans out of the taxi, Thailand

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Two baby orangutans were rescued from the back of a taxi in Thailand.


Baby Gorilla moves with the new mother in Bristol Zoo

A hand-raised baby gorilla was 10 months born to live with a foster mother.

Afia, Western Lowland Gorilla, was abandoned by caesarean emergency for his life after birth to fight and had to be supported by the staff of Bristol Zoo.

Reintroduction gorillas began in October when Afia began an affair with his spare Romina.

Kera their biological mother was too ill to take care of Afia, said the zoo.

Video courtesy of Bristol Zoo.

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Rover with open eyes Madagascar

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Threatened by habitat loss and hunting of lemurs of Madagascar, a species threatened with extinction, they find refuge in a private reserve.


China finds a new love for wildlife films

British cameraman Jacky Poon China is among the very few professionals documenting endangered animals hidden extinction in the mountains and valleys of China.

Many Chinese have animal films has been introduced this year after the first blockbuster of nature, born in China, has an impressive debut in cinemas and nature documentary called Monkey mystery of Shangri-La, I made a won Emmy nomination.

Jacky hear what it feels like part of the wildlife to be budding film industry in China.

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launched Pegasus rocket from below the plane into life

Eight satellites about the size of a small suitcase, from Cape Canaveral is lifted launched on a rocket from the ground an aircraft respectively.

It was the third launch attempt by NASA.

Hopefully the satellite will measure the wind speed in stormy weather.

Current satellites can not accurately measure when it rains a lot, so meteorologists have to rely on "hurricane hunting" aircraft.

Videos courtesy of NASA TV.

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A stroll through a laser scanning Forest

Scientists use lasers "weigh" of trees exactly in the tropical forests.

Researchers at the University College of London and the National Physical Laboratory created an animation laser scanning their trees, which were presented at the meeting of the British Ecological Society in Liverpool .

The process could be monitored by deforestation and combat help calculate with more of precision the amount of carbon in the stored tropical forests , so that a financial value can be attributed to the forest in touch.

Animation, courtesy of Dr. Kim Calders. Video produced by Victoria Gill

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How do you drill into a volcano 500C?

Updated December 14, 2016 Last 22:50 GMT

Scientists in Iceland are drilling a volcano to harness energy from below ground.

The hole is at 5 km deep and is expected to reach a temperature of 400C (752F) and 1000C.

Rebecca Morelle reported.

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Earth II: Attenborough & # 039; mark epic

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David Attenborough epic as the famous planet seen from the earth II reached its conclusion on Sunday evening the BBC.


Sir David Attenborough & # 039; mark epic

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David Attenborough epic as the famous planet seen from the earth II reached its conclusion on Sunday evening the BBC.


creating urban beekeeping a buzz

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With concern about the decline of bees in the UK, the University of London a haven for insects has created on a roof.


free up to try spaceship launched space junk: Japan ISS Kounotori

Japan launched a cargo ship, which hold a 700 meters (half a mile) -Long to some of the large amount of debris removed using in orbit.

The fastener, made of aluminum wires and steel, is designed to reduce to pull out of orbit, the speed of the debris.

The ship will also deliver supplies to the International Space Station.

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were discovered 100 million years dinosaurs tail

We tend not to think of the pens when we think of dinosaurs, but we should. Many of them had feathers; it's just that we have not found many fossils. Well, now scientists have discovered a new sample, which are very excited.

Professor Mike Benton, from the School of Earth Sciences at the University of Bristol, working in China with colleagues on the fossil to work.

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Earth II is a kind of & # 039; s response to the real meaning?

Apparently, it is to take over not only the experience and the planning of each epic episode of Planet Earth II. The producers of the show told us that it involved a lot of "luck" in all environments in the detection of rare animals.

The final episode is scheduled for this Sunday evening. Mike Gunton, executive producer and Fredi Devas, the producer of the final episode this Sunday, "cities" are the program today from the perspective of an insider of the series is the second television always' s most - watched year after the Great British Bake Off ,

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Giraffes added to the endangered list

Giraffes were classified as threatened with extinction by a dramatic decline in the last 30 years.

The population increased from around 155,000 in 1985 to 97,000 in 2015, according to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

The iconic animal has been declined due to loss of habitat, poaching and unrest in many parts of Africa.

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John Glenn: dies to circle first American astronaut to Earth

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Former astronaut John Glenn, the first American to orbit the earth, died 95 years Pallab Ghosh day look back in history.


Doubt reluctant & # 039 casting; save lives & # 039; pans

It was expected that a large clinical trial in Malawi shows that children are healthier when they live in a house, cooked the food in a wood smoke rather than an open fire. But the study, whose results were published in the Lancet, found no difference in rates of pneumonia in children.

The disease is a leading cause of death in young children in developing countries, signals can be triggered, which hinder and irritate the developing lungs of children by continuous exposure to smoke particles.

BBC News science reporter Victoria Gill has followed this trial since it began. Here is Principal Investigator Dr. Kevin Mortimer explains the importance of the results and his own disappointment that "intervention by the chef" had no effect on the health and survival of young children in the poorest regions of the poorest countries of the world.

Video Victoria Gill

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illuminated Siberian sky Meteor

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People in Western Siberia have captured images of what is believed to be a small meteorite.


Hunter Mitchell has raised thousands of dollars to save the rhinos Osita.

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Hunter Mitchell has raised thousands of dollars to save the rhinos Osita.

great escape; Alligator Snapping Turtle & # 039

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A huge crocodile turtle was put blocks in a drainpipe in Houston, Texas.