
VIDEO: What is the value of the sea?

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What is the value of the sea?

May 7, 2015 at 00:05 clock Last updated BST

If the seas and oceans of the world were a national economy, how much they would be worth?

Approximately $ 24000000000 (£ 15.7tn; 21.2tn €) according to the World Wildlife Foundation (WWF) in a report this month, making it the world's seventh largest economy.

The working group has developed with the help of the Boston Consulting Group and Professor Hoegh-Guldberg, Global Institute change in Australia.

The report aims to raise awareness among policy makers and business leaders consider the sea as a common investment.

This technical examination financially known as "natural capital". It has been widely used in global health checks, as the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment in 2005, for example.

But there are questions about how these numbers be exact when nature created and calculated to this extent.

And the dollar value is really the best way to measure the importance of nature for the planet and the environment that supports us?

Video Journalist: Dougal Shaw

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