
VIDEO: Solar Impulse 2 Get

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Nanjing in Hawaii: Solar Impulse 2 Get

May 30, 2015 at 20:39 clock updates BST

Solar Impulse has taken off completely from the sun plane in the most difficult phase of his mission to fly a solar plane around the world.

It is expected to take six days and nights to complete the journey from China to Hawaii.

John Sudworth reports.

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VIDEO: Where is the land of Crossrail garbage?

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Crossrail excavated material used to make the nature reserve

May 26, 2015 Updated 06:32 BST

Next month, the tunnel expires largest engineering project in Europe, Crossrail rail services connect East and West London.

But what is to be dug with the millions of tons of earth?

Much has to what given one of the largest nature reserves in Europe, Wallasea island off the coast of England.

The BBC's Andrew Bomford was searching.

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VIDEO: & # 039; New species & # 039; He dug up the old human

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Discovered "New species of ancient human" in Ethiopia

May 28, 2015 Updated 17:55 BST

A new species of ancient human was discovered in the Afar region of Ethiopia, the researchers report.

The researchers found the bones and teeth of the jaw, dated between the old and 3.3 million years 3.5 million.

Was named the new species Australopithecus deyiremeda which means spoken language "close relatives" in the language of the people Afar.

Rebecca Morelle Science reports match.

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VIDEO: Why the common dolphin is becoming more common

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Why the common dolphin are increasingly

May 28, 2015 at 08:26 clock updates BST

Despite its name, the common dolphin was once a rare sight in the waters off the west coast of Scotland, but now their number is increasing.

Marine scientists are trying to figure out why dolphins are thriving in the Hebrides.

The BBC John Maguire joined a scientific study in order to learn more.

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VIDEO: Driver & # 039 Solar Plan; the risk is too great Time & # 039;

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Displaced 2 Solar Impulse flight due to weather risk

May 26, 2015 at 00:00 clock Last updated BST

The set for solar airplane flight, Solar Impulse 2 postponed.

The team in Nanjing, in eastern China say meteorologists have found that the conditions are not good for the attempted flight to Hawaii.

Pilot André Borschberg told the BBC, John Sudworth he was happy not fly the trip would have been too risky.

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VIDEO: Where is the land of Crossrail will miss?

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Crossrail excavated material used to make the nature reserve

May 26, 2015 Updated 06:32 BST

Next month, the tunnel expires largest engineering project in Europe, Crossrail rail services connect east and west London.

But what is to be dug with the millions of tons of earth?

Much has to what given one of the largest nature reserves in Europe, Wallasea island off the coast of England.

The BBC's Andrew Bomford was searching.

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VIDEO: Solar Pilot plan for the entire distance of six days

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The pilot solar plan for the entire leg six days world travel

May 25, 2015 at 04:40 clock updates BST

The first solar flight around the world, such as the Solar Impulse Two known hopes to do next and most difficult stage of their journey.

The aircraft was waiting in Nanjing in China necessary to leave for a month.

André Borschberg, co-founder and pilot of Solar Impulse, he said, the departure time for the next step looks.

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VIDEO: How an ancient parasite was frozen in time

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As an old parasites was frozen in time

May 22, 2015 Updated at 10:02 BST

The researchers highlighted the 425 million years old remains of a newly discovered type of parasite - but near the host animal has penetrated.

The international team has discovered a fossil site in Herefordshire border of Wales.

To see in detail, Professor David Siveter the University of Leicester and colleagues created the "layers" of virtual fossils digital scan of limestone, which was built in.

Here, in an interview with the BBC during a study trip to Japan, he explains the importance of the discovery, and describes why the site is so important for the scientists.

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VIDEO: Evolution Dog & # 039; sooner than I thought & # 039;

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DNA study suggests "earlier than expected" the development of the dog

May 22, 2015 at 06:41 clock updates BST

The dogs much earlier than in the past but have domesticated Swedish researchers have suggested.

A genetic study shows that dogs can begun to separate from the wolves 27,000 years ago.

The study, published in the journal Current Biology described, could also explain the strong bond between dogs and humans.

Correspondent Pallab Ghosh Science reported.

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VIDEO: Inuit seal defy the ban on EU

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Inuit challenge ban on sealing operations EU

May 19, 2015 at 18:31 clock updates BST

Hunting seals used to be the life of the Inuit in Greenland an important part.

But an international ban on the practice meant they were not only unable to stop animals for food, were also prevented from selling furs.

Now they have launched a campaign for the ban to be canceled at the European Parliament in Strasbourg.

Gavin Lee reported.

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VIDEO: New ways of producing food in space

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New ways of producing food in space

May 19, 2015 Updated 06:10 BST

A major problem for the long haul, space research is how to feed astronauts from Earth for a long time.

Growing food in space seems an obvious answer - but it's not so simple.

So now a project is launched, which will see spending thousands of school experiments in the seeds of the six months on the International Space Station.

Correspondent Pallab Ghosh Science reported.

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VIDEO: Saving North Yorkshire & # 039; s Tansy beetle

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Tansy beetle record extinction North Yorkshire

May 16, 2015 at 23:54 clock updates BST

A breeding program was set at risk for a rare beetle.

It Tansy Beetle Iridescent only along a 28-mile stretch of the River Ouse in North Yorkshire.

He eats only a certain type of plant and has a bad habit of eating their own eggs.

Danny Carpenter reported.

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VIDEO: cross Wheelchair Pennine Trail

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Wheelchair crossing 68 miles Trans Pennine Trail

May 15, 2015 Updated at 11:17 BST

It is an inspiring story of an activist helping people with disabilities access to the country.

Roy Taylor 68 miles on the Trans Pennine Trail Canada travel in his wheelchair to help raise money to "get rid of the obstacles" to give people with disabilities greater access to the country.

The money must for access to protected areas, where it will be used.

Informs Joe Inwood

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VIDEO: What is your favorite beach again fails the test?

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Other beaches overlooking failures in water quality in the EU

May 15, 2015 at 14:06 clock updates BST

Dozens of British beaches and lakes are in danger, the highest standards of water quality in Europe can not be reached this summer.

The Environment Agency said that the new European rules are twice as difficult to pass.

Every week until the end of September, officials from the Environment Agency will be paddling in the sea and lakes, to take water samples at 400 locations.

Claire Marshall reports.

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VIDEO: A view into a large container ship

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Aboard one of the largest container ships in the world

May 14, 2015 at 00:45 clock Last updated BST

The largest container ship arrived in Southampton British brand, on her maiden voyage.

The CMA CGM Kerguelen is the third largest container ships in the world, and Stephen Smith on board to have a look at Newsnight.

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VIDEO: Press to animate antibiotic research new

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Press to animate antibiotic research new

May 14, 2015 Updated 07:07 BST

It is expected that the global pharmaceutical industry, for 2000000000 $ (€ 1.3 billion) to pay Innovation Fund to revitalize the antibiotic research.

In return payments to the companies that have produced a vital need for new antibiotics is guaranteed.

There are very few new antibiotics in development in the global spread of resistant bacteria.

Fergus Walsh reports.

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VIDEO: & # 039; Shaving single cut you could kill & # 039;

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Antibiotic crisis could "cause millions of deaths" to

May 14, 2015 at 14:32 clock updates BST

The pharmaceutical industry has been invited to set up an Innovation Fund $ 2,000 million (€ 1.3 billion) to develop new antibiotics.

The proposals are guided appointed a review team prepared by the British government by economist Jim O'Neill in a report.

In connection with the Victoria Derbyshire show, Mr O'Neill said antibiotic resistance could prematurely kill 300 million people in the next 35 years.

He added: "You could end up dying of something as simple as a knife cut."

Look Victoria Derbyshire week 09: 15-11: 00 GMT on BBC Two and BBC News Channel. Follow the show on Facebook and Twitter , and all of our content online .

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VIDEO: Goldfish under the knife for the third time

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Goldfish under the knife for the third time in Bristol Veterinary

May 11, 2015 at 18:36 clock updates BST

A goldfish has gone under the knife for the third time for an operation 45 minutes to several tumors around the eye and remove.

The five fish called Monty, had a general anesthetic for undergoing process 200 pounds "very delicate" in an animal hospital in Bristol.

It is said that "doing exceptionally well" after surgery.

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VIDEO: Could the water vole have become extinct?

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The water rat could disappear in Britain?

May 12, 2015 Updated 07:53 BST

The rate of water once populated our coasts and rivers in the UK, but in the last 15 years halved the water vole numbers, bringing the threat of extinction.

Graham Satchell BBC channel visited Gloucester and Sharpness for more.

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VIDEO: Bird British study suggested

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Favorite for the UK elections Ave puts us in crisis

May 7, 2015 Last updated at 09:02 BST

Surveys can close tonight in the general election in the UK, but it is another great voice happens - namely Britain's favorite bird.

Tens of thousands of people have already made their choice online and Robin, the barn owl and the kingfisher have the whole list of ten strong.

Tim Muffett reports the man who has some feathers in a vote that will give a new figure of the national bow Britain disheveled.

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VIDEO: What is the value of the sea?

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What is the value of the sea?

May 7, 2015 at 00:05 clock Last updated BST

If the seas and oceans of the world were a national economy, how much they would be worth?

Approximately $ 24000000000 (£ 15.7tn; 21.2tn €) according to the World Wildlife Foundation (WWF) in a report this month, making it the world's seventh largest economy.

The working group has developed with the help of the Boston Consulting Group and Professor Hoegh-Guldberg, Global Institute change in Australia.

The report aims to raise awareness among policy makers and business leaders consider the sea as a common investment.

This technical examination financially known as "natural capital". It has been widely used in global health checks, as the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment in 2005, for example.

But there are questions about how these numbers be exact when nature created and calculated to this extent.

And the dollar value is really the best way to measure the importance of nature for the planet and the environment that supports us?

Video Journalist: Dougal Shaw

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VIDEO: ants you can be the key search and rescue

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Ants can be the key to improve the search and rescue techniques

May 7, 2015 Updated 14:49 BST

The behavior of the ants can be the key to the development of the most effective search and rescue techniques.

A new study has shown that ants are very adaptable, able to the way they dig to change the conditions and to build.

Victoria Gill reports.

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VIDEO: Japan's giant solar park air

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Seen giant solar park in Japan from the air

May 6, 2015 at 21:03 clock Last updated BST

After the Fukushima disaster in March 2011, the other 48 nuclear reactors were closed in Japan.

Scheduled outages occur, the country continues to work well, but there was a cost.

Before the disaster of almost 30% of the power in the country came from nuclear power. It was replaced by burning more coal and gas, and the resulting increase in greenhouse gas emissions.

But were closed in the four years since nuclear power plants, and Japan began visiting another thing - a revolution in the field of renewable energy.

The BBC's Rupert Wingfield-Hayes visited Japan a solar park in Kagoshima, if this is the solution.

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VIDEO: The house, which can increase the flood level

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Thailand flooding threatens inspired growing idea home

May 7, 2015 at 07:41 clock Last updated BST

With many scientists did not predict a rise in sea levels due to climate change and flow in many areas previously flood shelter are now in danger.

In Thailand floods have caused four years billions of dollars in damages and more than 360 dead.

Nevertheless believes a Thai architect, he has come up with a solution - a house that rises with the water.

Jonathan's head was to meet him.

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VIDEO: The measurement of the impact of pollution on children

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Continue to evaluate the effects of pollution Children

May 5, 2015 at 07:05 clock Last updated BST

A study on multi-million pound has been launched to assess the impact of the environment on health and development of children.

For two weeks, more than 1,000 families from all over Europe will monitor and record what they in contact with the interior and exterior of the house to absorb the pollutants to measure it.

Jayne Bradford McCubbin report.

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VIDEO: Norwegian ship Arctic Information Science

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Norwegian Arctic Science Tour Lance

May 5, 2015 at 06:30 clock Last updated BST

The Arctic is information on what passed as "a new era", higher temperatures and ice, the sea is thinner describes the participation of scientists in an expedition of the Norwegian Polar Institute.

Since the beginning of the year, the research vessel Lance drove on the sea ice of the scientists give the opportunity to examine how this area is changing.

The BBC science editor David Shukman looked around the deck of the ship rooms and sleep laboratories for the taste of life on board.

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VIDEO: How 3D scans help solve crimes

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3D scanning technology helped murder investigation

May 3, 2015 at 09:06 clock Last updated BST

Police used DNA testing since the 1980s, but the forensic science makes another breakthrough for solving crimes.

Giving detectives from the West Midlands with the 3D technology to jurors with microscopic tests that were not previously. Within the scope of forensic evidence

Sian Lloyd reports.

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VIDEO: Arctic research from a boat made of ice

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Research in the Arctic ice of a boat

May 3, 2015 at 22:15 clock Last updated BST

A team of scientists spent the winter aboard a research vessel deliberately stuck in Arctic ice.

The aim is to collect data on how the Arctic region is changing.

Scientific editor of the BBC, David Shukman, is the only British journalist will be invited aboard the launch, and moved with the ice 300 miles north of Longyearbyen.

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VIDEO: Solve the big cat conflict

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Farmers are working to protect predators with environmentalists

April 30, 2015 Last updated on 00:28 BST

Protection from predators such as cheetahs and leopards is not a traditional role for breeders, they see these big cats as a threat.

But environmentalists N / A'an ku Foundation in Namibia are now working with farmers in a partnership to increase the number to the reduce large carnivorous threatened slaughtered in farmland.

The team is allowing the search for ways to stop the conflict between humans and wildlife that threatens the survival of some of the big cats in Africa, and the farmers, their livelihood away from these large predators.

BBC reporter and video science journalist Victoria Gill has been with the team to Namibia to attend a unique partnership in action.

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VIDEO: 2015 Elections: Environment

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Elections 2015: environmental issues in the campaign

May 1, 2015 at 14:40 clock Last updated BST

This campaign has to have some details about the environment and the landscape.

Environment Analyst Roger Harrabin was to research how the parties say they intend to address these issues.

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VIDEO: Cat Cat: Cats can talk to the man?

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Cat Talk: Cats can talk to the man?

April 30, 2015 Last updated at 10:33 BST

A US veterinarian claimed to have deciphered the language to use cats to believe that cats use more than a dozen shades, each with its own meaning.

Research has also shown that cats a specific language, which they use with people who do not have with other cats.

Bruce, explaining the cat into the studio with vet Steve Leonard more.

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Hawaii Volcano Lava overflow: VIDEO

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Lava filled crater Kilauea Volcano in Hawaii

April 30, 2015 Last updated at 16:39 BST clock

There were incredible scenes that lava from Kilauea Volcano on the Big Iceland from Hawaii overflows.

The summit lava lake has repeatedly overflowed since Tuesday, said the United States geologists gathered with people at a viewpoint to watch.

The residents were evacuated from their homes in late 2014 when lava flows back vent at Kilauea.

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