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Rosetta: How Philae landing on the comet car

Last updated November 11, 2014 at 12:36 GMT

Final preparations are underway for what could be one of the most ambitious achievements in space exploration be.

On Wednesday, the European Space Agency is trying to land a small spacecraft on a comet. That's never been tried.

The comet was about 300 million miles (500 million kilometers), far beyond Mars and is in competition for space 34,000 hours miles (55,000 km / h).

The ESA Rosetta flew for 10 years in a row by looping around the sun 4 billion miles (6.5 billion kilometers) to pick up enough speed to fly throughout the kite, and now a lander named Philae will be to try to touch the ground ,

But the landing will be extremely difficult as the science editor David Shukman BBC said.