
VIDEO: New threat humpback whales?

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New threat to Pacific humpback whales in Canada?

30 November 2014 Last updated at 7.28 clock GMT

Once hunted to extinction, humpback whales, the Canadian Pacific back in greater numbers and the Canadian government has downgraded its status as "endangered" to "special concern".

However, there are concerns that new risks of further exploration of oil and natural gas play whales.

Brandy Yanchyk reported the coast of British Columbia.

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VIDEO: gray squirrel "shot"

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Gray squirrel in Britain "should be killed"

28 November 2014 Last updated at 08:15 GMT Clock

The government is investigating how gray squirrel numbers are managed in England and assess whether additional needs to be done to control the number.

The population of the gray squirrel has skyrocketed in the last 100 years.

Originally introduced to America, now officially classified as harmful in the UK and for a long time have been blamed for the decline of the local squirrels.

Tim Muffett reports BBC Breakfast.

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AUDIO: horned dinosaur species identified

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Identified dinosaur "rhinoceros-like" fossil

26 November 2014 Last updated at 14:27 GMT Clock

A study of fossils preserved in a museum in Canada for 75 years, a new type of dinosaur discovered.

Today presenter Justin Webb spoke to the discovery, Dr. Nick Long Rich of the University of Bath in charge.

Original Air on BBC Radio 4 's Today program on Wednesday, November 26th.

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VIDEO: Extreme weather conditions and the risk for life

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Game risk of extreme weather conditions on the rise

27 November 2014 Last updated at 7.58 clock GMT

Increase climate change and population growth, the risk for people in extreme weather greatly, according to a report.

The Royal Society warns that the risk of heat waves will increase to an aging population approximately tenfold from 2090 if greenhouse gases continue to rise.

They believe that the risk to humans is flooded more than four times the risk of drought and tripling increase.

Informa Roger Harrabin.

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AUDIO: bad science texts Songwriters

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Why authors get their science all wrong?

25 November 2014 Last updated at 12:54 GMT

The composer to leave the scientific basis in their words are often wrong.

Why? The Radio 4 Today presenter and former scientist gave Steve Mould Blue Peter the task that some of the worst offenders.

Original Air on BBC Radio 4 's Today program on Tuesday, November 25th.

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VIDEO: How to hack a molecular microscope

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PhD student fits inexpensive microscope and save £ 100,000

26 November 2014 Last updated at 0.07 clock GMT

A PhD student at Brunel University in London has £ 100,000 saved from the "piracy" of his own team.

Adam Lynch has its own by customizing a cheap instrument, created invested bought online microscope.

Adam has a USB microscope that could have purchased at a hobby shop are mounted upside down on a table and, much more expensive to produce the same images as formally equivalent.

It is estimated that the cost of the invention around £ 160 but not patented because she believes that science be open source.

Video Journalist: Dougal Shaw

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Volcanic eruption on the island of Cape Verde: VIDEO

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Volcanic eruptions Cape Verde: The evacuated residents

24 November 2014 Last updated at 12:09 GMT

A volcanic eruption on the island of Fogo Cape Verde and prompted the evacuation of hundreds of residents and the closure of a local airport.

A huge column of smoke could be seen from a nearby island, started from the Pico do Fogo volcano climb on Sunday.

Authorities said they think that this eruption was bigger than the previous one, which was in 1995.

The archipelago of Cape Verde, off the coast of West Africa, is of 10 volcanic islands, eight of which are inhabited.

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VIDEO: "King of Fish 'is a British rivers

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Salmon return to the UK after rivers conservation projects

24 November 2014 Last updated at 09:39 GMT Clock

Many rivers in the UK, which was once known for salmon, but have now returned-conservation projects turn out to be have been a success.

At this time of year the fish swim upstream to spawn, and if you are lucky, you can see jumping out of the water to overcome obstacles.

John Maguire reports on the banks of the River Dove in Derbyshire - back an area where salmon are.

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VIDEO: First Italian reaches the ISS

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Italy's first astronaut reaches space station

24 November 2014 Last updated at 06:50 GMT Clock

First astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti Italy came to the International Space Station.

She was one of the crew in a Soyuz spacecraft blasted off from Kazakhstan on Sunday and Russian cosmonaut Yelena Serova woman arrived at the space station which came in September.

Woman Cristoforetti former captain of the Italian Air Force and was selected as an astronaut of the European Space Agency in 2009.

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VIDEO: Energy giant shows plan shale gas

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Ineos UK shale gas extraction invest £ 640 million

20 November 2014 Last updated at 22:53 GMT Clock

Chemical company Ineos has announced announced up to £ 640 million in the exploration of shale gas in the UK.

The company plans to gas as a raw material for chemical plants to use including Grangemouth Stirlingshire.

Grangemouth is currently at a loss, but Ineos believes shale gas is the work of the transformation of the economy.

Lorna Gordon reports.

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VIDEO: Green Climate Fund money commitment

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Accept cash-rich countries in Berlin: Green Climate Fund

20 November 2014 Last updated at 13:52 GMT Clock

Thirty countries have gathered in Berlin 9300000000 $ (€ 6 billion) pledged for a fund to assist developing countries reduce their emissions and prepare for climate change.

The Green Climate Fund must be at least 10 billion US dollars the end of 2014, so that the garment just shy of the goal.

The fund based in South Korea aims to help countries to invest in clean energy and environmentally friendly technologies.

Informa Roger Harrabin.

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VIDEO: Fines are planning further Japanese knotweed

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Tax fines missing Japanese knotweed

19 November 2014 Last updated at 09:15 GMT Clock

The lack of control over the spread of Japanese knotweed can now lead to a number of anti-social behavior and a fine of up to £ 2,500.

The famous brand of driving wedges between sidewalks and harmonious neighborhood is one of the most destructive plant in the UK.

But scientists expect that a small insect can help them recognized under control, as described by John Maguire.

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VIDEO: Energy giant reveals plan for shale gas

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Ineos in the exploration of shale UK invest £ 640 million

November 20, 2014 at 22:53 clock Updated GMT

Chemical giant Ineos has announced its intention, announced up to £ 640 million in the exploration of shale gas in the UK.

The company plans to use the gas as a raw material for chemical plants, including Grange in Stirling.

Grange is currently at a loss, but Ineos believes shale gas is transforming the economy of the plant.

Lorna Gordon reports.

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VIDEO: effective engagement of the Green Climate Fund

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Green Climate Fund: commit cash rich countries, Berlin

November 20, 2014 at 13:52 clock Updated GMT

Thirty countries gathered in Berlin have $ 9300000000 (€ 6 billion) pledged to a fund to assist developing countries reduce their emissions and prepare for climate change.

The Green Climate Fund must be at least 10 billion US dollars in late 2014, when the pledge is just shy of the goal.

The fund, based in South Korea to help countries to invest in clean energy and green technologies.

Roger Harrabin reports.

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VIDEO: Fighting animal traffickers Taiwan

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The fight against animal traffickers Taiwan

Last updated November 19, 2014 at 10:30 GMT

Taiwan authorities is increasingly a challenge, a smuggling of animals who have taken, enjoy huge appetite for big, bold exotic animals to stop the benefits of the rich reserves of China's island.

Turtles are the easiest target, because they have a better chance to survive the process of smuggling, as Cindy Sui reports.

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VIDEO: Fines offer more Japanese knotweed

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Fines for non-Japanese knotweed control

November 19, 2014 at 09:15 clock Updated GMT

If you could control the spread of Japanese knotweed now produce a range of antisocial behaviors and a fine of up to 2,500 pounds.

The famous herb for driving wedges between sidewalks and harmonious neighborhood, one of the UK plant is destructive.

But scientists hope that a small insect can help reports it under control, as described by John Maguire.

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VIDEO: "We're going back to the origins of life"

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Detected organic molecules by Philae: Comet Landing

November 19, 2014 at 03:05 clock Updated GMT

The Philae lander has detected organic molecules on the surface of the comet, scientists have confirmed.

"Organic", the carbon is the basis of life on Earth and may provide clues to the chemical ingredients, our planet will be delivered at the beginning of his story.

Professor David Southwood was the European Space Agency, was, as the Rosetta mission started.

He told the BBC: "We are really the return to the origins of our solar system."

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VIDEO: Buzz Aldrin explains his vision in March

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Buzz Aldrin missions to comets and Mars landing

November 13, 2014 at 23:28 clock Updated GMT

Buzz Aldrin, the second man to walk on the moon, his vision for the future of space exploration by humans.

During a conversation about the importance of landing Philae comet, told BBC Newsnight that Mars should colonize the next destination for the people.

He also said that the US will spend more money for the space program.

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AUDIO: European Science 'to a point'

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The European success of science "because of the separation of politics"

Last updated November 14, 2014 at 12:06 GMT

The scientific work in Europe benefited from the absence of political influence, the former head of CERN, said.

Sir Chris Llewellyn Smith told the Today program that, in contrast to Europe, scientists were "considered by the government to death and hung with red bow" in the United States.

Dr. Jean-Claude Worms, Chief Scientific Officer of the European Science Foundation, said science in Europe "at its best today," especially in light of robot probe landing on the surface of a comet Philae.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 's Today program on Friday, November 14, 2014th

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Apologies Shirt scientific Comet: VIDEO

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Scientific Comet Lander Dr. Matt Taylor apologizes for shirt

November 14, 2014 at 17:16 clock Updated GMT

One of the scientists has been involved on behalf of the lander Philae apologizes for any act caused over a shirt wearing earlier in the week.

Dr. Matt Taylor Shirt - Representatives of scantily clad women - has attracted widespread criticism in the media.

In a news update online, which gives the latest information about the mission, on Friday, said he had made "a big mistake" and was "very sorry".

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VIDEO: "Fantastic, fantastic, landed"

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Rosetta comet landing: emotion and tears of Professor

November 12, 2014 at 18:31 clock Updated GMT

"Landed - I was hoping this year," said Professor Monica Grady, found that the robot Philae probe landed on a comet.

Crown Landing Travel 6400000000 miles that began a decade ago.

Open University Prof. Grady worked on a project called Ptolemy tool - a tool for analyzing shoebox size gas.

She was in the draft Philae lander from the start and jumped for joy when he heard the news, even embrace science writer David Shukman BBC.

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VIDEO: Buzz Aldrin Kite

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Buzz Aldrin missions to comets and Mars landing

November 13, 2014 at 23:28 clock Updated GMT

The second man to walk on the moon, Buzz Aldrin, spoke to the BBC about the importance of landing Philae comet.

He told Newsnight that Mars should be the next target, and that the US will spend more money for the space program.

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Video: Photos from the beauty of the earth from space

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Astronaut Chris Hadfield is the beauty of the earth from space

November 13, 2014 at 23:08 clock Updated GMT

Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield has a book of photographs from around the perspective of the Earth published a unique and privileged "to the International Space Station ISS.

He presents some of the highlights of the planet, including the Sahara from Mauritania "eyes", and Venice and New York City at night.

He also told the BBC Katty Kay as she felt the land dragon, but the historical clumsy robot probe Philae, which, before he jumped twice in the shadow of a cliff.

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VIDEO: When astronauts playing with water

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What happens when astronauts playing with water in space?

Updated November 13, 2014 Last modified at 07:42 GMT

Earlier this year, the astronauts on the International Space Station a video, what happens to the surface tension of water in microgravity is created.

You could shoot water from a camera in the big bubble.

Informa Vicky Hurst.

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VIDEO: How to land the probe Philae on the comet

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Rosetta: How Philae landing on the comet car

Last updated November 11, 2014 at 12:36 GMT

Final preparations are underway for what could be one of the most ambitious achievements in space exploration be.

On Wednesday, the European Space Agency is trying to land a small spacecraft on a comet. That's never been tried.

The comet was about 300 million miles (500 million kilometers), far beyond Mars and is in competition for space 34,000 hours miles (55,000 km / h).

The ESA Rosetta flew for 10 years in a row by looping around the sun 4 billion miles (6.5 billion kilometers) to pick up enough speed to fly throughout the kite, and now a lander named Philae will be to try to touch the ground ,

But the landing will be extremely difficult as the science editor David Shukman BBC said.

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VIDEO: Price brings glamor to the science

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Meet top scientists to scholarships funded by technology tycoons

November 10, 2014 Last update 13:51 GMT

Some of the best scientists in the world have won cash prizes at an awards ceremony in Silicon Valley, California.

The Discovery Award is supported by technology tycoons like Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook and Google co-founder Sergey Brin.

Among the winners, the researchers were trying to understand cancer, birth defects and Parkinson's disease.

Peter Bowes reporting from California.

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VIDEO: How the comet particles analyzed

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Rosetta: As the comet particles analyzed

November 11, 2014 at 00:42 clock Updated GMT

With Rosetta orbiting Comet 67P / Churyumov-Gerasimenko, the scientists expect a lot of new information about these strange objects.

Previous research found that the comets are a mixture of ice and rock, and a theory is that it is water and carbon have been available on the early Earth.

A NASA mission called Stardust comet particles collected in 2004.

Science editor David Shukman reports a laboratory that the samples analyzed in Diamond Light Source near Oxford.

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VIDEO: Double gargoyle form of Liguria

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Twin waterspouts the coast of Liguria, Italy formed off

Last updated November 9, 2014 at 10:14 GMT

Footage has emerged of the moment, appeared two waterspouts simultaneously on the coast of Liguria, Italy.

The natural phenomenon found Nov. 6 during a thunderstorm.

Both tornadoes dissipated before making landfall.

Photos courtesy of YouTube / liguriainside

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AUDIO: mild winter "behind the pest fruit fly"

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The fruit fly "plague" of "exceptionally mild winter" caused

Last updated November 7, 2014 at 12:59 GMT

A plague of fruit flies of the season experienced by some parts of the UK have been reduced to an "exceptionally mild winter," said Dr. Michelle Fontaine, a restaurant with Fruit Research Station in East Malling in Kent entomologist.

Explain the reasons for the increase in the number of Justin Webb Today program.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4's Today show Friday, November 7th.

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VIDEO: mobile phone recycling in the Ivory Coast

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Mobile phone deals in the Ivory Coast toxic waste recycling

Last updated November 6, 2014 at 11:27 GMT

Africa has the fastest growing mobile customers in the world, but as everyone rushes to the latest smartphones with the latest gadgets, what to get with all the old?

BBC Tamasin Ford it was to figure out where they end up in the Ivory Coast.

View: Africa Progress Report

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Poisoning of birds a shocking case: VIDEO

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Norfolk gamekeeper convicted of poisoning nozzle

November 6, 2014 at 19:06 clock Updated GMT

A gamekeeper was convicted called registered to probation for animal groups the worst case of birds of prey poisoning in England.

Allen Lambert, who worked on the Stody estate in Norfolk, has 10 nozzles and a hawk used for intentional homicide with items found to make poison bait.

His trial heard that he wanted to protect reared pheasants.

Sian Lloyd reports.

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VIDEO: The worst cases of poisoning birds of prey?

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Norfolk gamekeeper poisoning nozzle concept, because

Last updated November 6, 2014 at 07:38 GMT

A gamekeeper to animal groups should the worst case of birds of prey poisoning in England are registered call be sentenced today.

Allen Lambert, who has worked on the estate in Norfolk Stody accused intentionally used ten nozzles and a falcon with items to make poison baits killed convicted.

His trial heard that he wanted to protect reared pheasants.

Roger Harrabin reports.

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VIDEO: False help penguins research

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Meet help the fake penguins research

November 4th, 2014 at 17:28 clock Updated GMT

A remotely operated vehicle dressed chick has allowed researchers to collect data from the emperors of the notoriously shy penguins.

And close to the birds, the diminutive Rover also much less influence on the behavior of the penguins had been hit by a man.

Scientists say the unusual approach provides "least invasive and burdensome way to gather data on these species."

The results are published in the journal Nature Methods .

Here is the Principal Investigator, Dr. Yvon Le Maho of the National Centre for Scientific Research in Strasbourg, France, who led the study, described the response to the false emperor penguin chicks.

Videos: Spy in the Huddle / John Downer Productions / BBC

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VIDEO: Where is the tree of England in the years?

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Woodland Trust: England tickets Tree Year

November 3, 2014 at 13:38 clock Updated GMT

England has no shortage of famous trees and Woodland Trust is asking the public to vote for the first tree in England this year.

The winners will compete in European competition with the rest of the United Kingdom.

In a daily policy movie, Adam Fleming reports on some of the most famous entries before the deadline of Monday evening, select a winner.

Woodland Trust: Trees of the Year Entries

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VIDEO: Is a roof in the city is a paradise for insects?

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Urban bees: a roof of the city can be a paradise for insects?

Last updated November 4, 2014 at 04:51 GMT

While the government unveils plan to lower pollinating insects England help, Matt Shardlow of Buglife BBC shows on a roof in the middle of Manchester, which was specifically developed to appeal the city bees.

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VIDEO: David Shukman: Who discovered the Ebola virus?

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Ebola crisis: Who discovered it? David Shukman explains

November 4, 2014 Updated at 01:12 GMT clock

In 1976, a blue bottle and a letter from a doctor in Kinshasa came to a laboratory in Antwerp, Belgium.

The bottle, the blood samples Belgian nun who had fallen ill with a mysterious disease.

When scientists looked at the electron microscope, they realized that they seek another than anything they had seen before the virus.

The only way to stop the spread had to stop to go to the center of the epidemic, said as a science editor David Shukman BBC.

Photo courtesy of the Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp

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VIDEO: Fossil fuels "should be in 2100" - IPCC

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IPCC report - Fossil fuels must be "eliminated by 2100."

November 2nd, 2014 at 18:47 clock Updated GMT

The unrestricted use of fossil fuels should be eliminated by 2100 if the world is a dangerous climate change, to avoid a group of experts with the support of the UN, said.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change synthesis report summarizes the causes, effects and solutions to the rising temperatures.

He says most of the electricity in the world can - and should - be produced from sources with low carbon emissions by 2050.

David Shukman reports.

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VIDEO: Baby pandas fight with her tutor

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Baby Pandas teams resist your medicines

Last updated October 31, 2014 at 12:23 GMT

Two young pandas were impressed when a farmer tries to feed the medicine instead of his usual bamboo in Chengdu in southwest China.

The guard tried to use a syringe to put the medicine in the mouth of the Cubs, but as this video shows, have been reluctant to roll and climb up.

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