
COP 26: Youngsters sue 33 countries

A group of children in Portugal are using human rights laws to force European politicians to fight climate change.

After seeing the damage caused by forest fires in their home country, Portugal, André Oliviera, his sister Sofia and their friends are determined to ensure that executives who have committed to reducing harmful emissions are held accountable.

Filmed and edited by Maarten Willems.

Produced by Kate Vandy.

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How “fake news” affected the world in 2021

Disinformation about the Covid pandemic and climate change prevents an effective collective response to these emergencies.

BBC monitoring experts Shayan Sardarizadeh and Kayleen Devlin explain the disinformation trends they saw in 2021 and the impact they had on life around the world.

Video directed by Suniti Singh

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Recycling the “non-recyclable”: How do hairdressing salons become green?

Fry Taylor founded the Green Salon Collective, which promotes sustainable work practices in the hairdressing industry.

The collective recycles everything from bleaches and dyes to real human hair.

Video directed by Daniel South, Trystan Young and Jasmin Souesi

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Why a former oil manager fills abandoned wells

An estimated three million oil wells have been abandoned in the United States.

Many wells emit harmful methane gases, which are more harmful to the environment than carbon dioxide.

Curtis Shuck, a 30-year veteran of the oil industry, stepped in because of this.

He founded Well Done, a nonprofit dedicated to plugging old wells.

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James Webb Space Telescope: How Does It Work?

The most ambitious astronomical mission ever undertaken is about to begin. The James Webb Space Telescope was built 30 years ago and is now almost ready to go.

The $ 10 billion (£ 7 billion) project, a collaboration between NASA, the European Space Agency and the Canadian Space Agency, hopes to go back in time to learn more about how the first stars were made and how to experience the beginnings. of our universe.

But how exactly will it work?

Rebecca Morelle, BBC science editor, explains.

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Southern right whales: Monitoring unexpected migrations in the Southern Ocean

New Zealand's southern right whale was hunted to near extinction a century ago.

Their recovery now depends on the health of the oceans, but where exactly do they feed?

The answer surprised the scientists and gave hope to the species amid climate change.

Video by Isabelle Rodd. Images credit to the University of Auckland's Right Whale Research Team were taken with permission from the New Zealand Department of Conservation.


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Nuclear fusion reactor experiment to generate clean energy

An experiment is being carried out in an industrial area outside Didcot in southern England to produce temperatures that are warmer than the sun.

The BBC's climate editor Justin Rowlatt visited the nuclear fusion reactor in action and found out what opportunities the technology could offer to produce large amounts of low-carbon energy.

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James Webb, Space Telescope Scientist: "This is the future of astrophysics"

The most powerful space telescope ever built, the James Webb Space Telescope, will launch later this month.

As the successor to the Hubble Space Telescope, many discoveries are expected as we can look deeper and deeper into the universe than ever before.

Amber Straughn, astrophysicist on NASA's JWST science team, explains why the telescope is so exciting and important.

Produced by Fay Nurse

Read more: What is the James Webb Space Telescope and when does it start?

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Rare turtle on a UK beach 4,000 miles from home

One of the rarest turtles in the world is showing signs of recovery after being stranded off the coast of Wales.

Kemp's Ridley's sea turtle was named Tally by the Anglesey Sea Zoo, where it is treated for health care.

On Sunday, Tally was found on Talacre Beach in Flintshire, 6,437 km from its usual waters in the Gulf of Mexico.

But how did Tally end up so far from home?

Nick Hartley explains.

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3D printed "meat" - does the vegetable product pass the taste test?

For the first time ever, 3D printed "meat" will be served in full and the product will be launched in four cities around the world this week.

The "meat" produced by Redefine Meat consists of plant-based products and is completely vegan.

BBC Newsnight's Emily Maitlis visited London's Chotto Matte restaurant to see if it would pass the taste test.

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Gurkha mountaineering record rises in Netflix documentary

It was the Hampshire climber who climbedthe 14 highest peaks in the world in seven months, when the previous record was seven years.

Nimral Purja's Journey to the Top of the World became a Netflix documentary and garnered international recognition.

After moving to the Gurkhas in Hampshire in 2003, he became the first Gurkha to serve in the British Special Forces.

And Far From The Mountains advocates more equality for Gurkha veterans when it comes to their pensions.

Follow BBC South on Facebook , Twitter or Instagram . Send article ideas to south.newsonline@bbc.co.uk .

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3D printed "meat" - does a vegetable product pass the taste test?

For the first time ever, 3D printed "meat" will be served in full and the product will be launched in four cities around the world this week.

The "meat" produced by Redefine Meat consists of plant-based products and is completely vegan.

BBC Newsnight's Emily Maitlis visited London's Chotto Matte restaurant to see if it would pass the taste test.

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Start for the NASA mission to hit the space rock

A spaceship was launched to test technology that could one day deflect a dangerous asteroid.

NASA's darts mission wants to see how difficult it would be to prevent a giant space rock from colliding with Earth.

The spaceship will crash into an object called Dimorphos to see how much its speed and trajectory can change.

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Mountaineer Gurkha Record Rises in Netflix Documentary

It was the Hampshire climber who climbedthe 14 highest peaks in the world in seven months, when the previous record was seven years.

Nimral Purja's Journey to the Top of the World became a Netflix documentary and received international praise.

After moving to Hampshire in 2003 when he joined the Gurkhas, he became the first Gurkha to serve in the British special forces.

And Far From The Mountains advocates more equality for Gurkha veterans when it comes to their pensions.

Follow BBC South on Facebook , Twitter or Instagram . Send article ideas to south.newsonline@bbc.co.uk .

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3D printed "meat": does the vegetable product pass the taste test?

For the first time ever, 3D printed "meat" will be served in full and the product will be launched in four cities around the world this week.

The "meat" produced by Redefine Meat consists of plant-based products and is completely vegan.

BBC Newsnight's Emily Maitlis visited London's Chotto Matte restaurant to see if it would pass the taste test.

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Red crabs are conquering Australia's roads and bridges

Ten million red crabs have covered the streets and bridges of Christmas Island as they begin their annual migration.

The crabs travel from the forest to the coast to spawn, and the migration begins shortly after the first rains of the rainy season.

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Greta Thunberg: "COP26 even watered down the blah-blah-blah"

Greta Thunberg says the result of COP26 is a disappointment as there is still no guarantee that the temperature rise on the planet will be limited to 1.5 ° C.

The climate activist told BBC Scotland: "They even managed to water down the blah, blah, blah, which is quite an accomplishment."

From Sweden, he said that "small steps forward" had been taken, but the Glasgow Climate Pact was very vague and open to various interpretations .

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COP26: Alok Sharma holds back tears as the Glasgow Climate Pact reaches an agreement

Alok Sharma held back tears when the Glasgow Climate Pact was approved by delegates at the COP26 conference in Glasgow.

The COP26 President apologized for India adding a late change on coal to the draft text.

Read more : COP26 includes a new global climate agreement

Find out more about the climate summit:

The world climate summit COP26 in Glasgow in November is considered to be crucial for the containment of climate change. Almost 200 countries are asked about their emission reduction plans, which could lead to big changes in our daily lives.

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Greta Thunberg: "COP26 even watered the blah-blah-blah"

Greta Thunberg says the result of COP26 is a disappointment as there is still no guarantee that the temperature rise on the planet will be limited to 1.5 ° C.

The climate activist told BBC Scotland: "They even managed to water down the blah, blah, blah, which is quite an accomplishment."

From Sweden, he said that "small steps forward" had been taken, but the Glasgow Climate Pact was very vague and open to various interpretations .

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COP26: "Paris built the arena, Glasgow started the race" - Kerry

An agreement was reached at the COP26 summit in Glasgow to avoid dangerous climate change.

The coal phase-out promise contained in earlier negotiation plans ended dramatically after India encountered opposition.

US climate commissioner John Kerry said the Glasgow summit is unlikely to result in a decision to "end the crisis".

Read more : COP26 includes a new global climate agreement

Find out more about the climate summit:

The world climate summit COP26 in Glasgow in November is considered to be crucial for the containment of climate change. Almost 200 countries are asked about their emission reduction plans, which could lead to big changes in our daily lives.

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COP26: Alok Sharma holds back tears when the Glasgow Climate Pact was agreed

Alok Sharma held back tears when the Glasgow Climate Pact was approved by delegates at the COP26 conference in Glasgow.

The COP26 President apologized for India adding a late change on coal to the draft text.

Read more : COP26 includes a new global climate agreement

Find out more about the climate summit:

The world climate summit COP26 in Glasgow in November is considered to be crucial for the containment of climate change. Almost 200 countries are asked about their emission reduction plans, which could lead to big changes in our daily lives.

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COP26: The two-week summit in two minutes

COP26 ended in Glasgow after two weeks of meeting on climate change and the environment and with an agreement on the table.

An estimated 40,000 people from around the world attended the UN climate summit, which sparked days of protests in Glasgow, as well as several celebrity appearances.

Here are some of the highlights.

Find out more about the climate summit:

The world climate summit COP26 in Glasgow in November is considered to be crucial for the containment of climate change. Almost 200 countries are asked about their emission reduction plans, which could lead to big changes in our daily lives.

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Himalayan village divided into two parts by climate change

400 million people around the world depend on mountain glaciers for their drinking water as well as for agriculture. But with rising temperatures and decreasing snowfall, the Himalayan glaciers are shrinking and some have already dried up.

The village of Kumik in the northern Ladakh region of India is experiencing a severe water crisis and some residents are being forced to leave their homes and move elsewhere.

Filming and editing by Neha Sharma, reporting by Aamir Peerzada

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Climate change: what would a weather forecast for 2050 look like?

The future climate could be determined by the level of emissions in the next few years. So what would a weather forecast look like in 2050?

Great Britain could be up to 1.5 ° C warmer by then, according to the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts based on the current trend.

And there could be more episodes of extreme heat and coastal changes.

BBC News weather presenter Sabrina Lee has made a 30-year forecast if climate change goes unchecked.

Video filmed and staged by Geraint Thomas.

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Time-lapse video shows the shrinking Icelandic glacier

Time-lapse footage has captured the speed at which centuries-old ice is melting from a glacier in Iceland.

The Breiðamerkurjökull glacier is located in the Vatnajökull National Park, about 380 km from the state capital Reykjavik.

The video was produced over a period of six weeks by Dr. Kieran Baxter of the University of Dundee, who estimates that "maybe several tens of meters of recession" occurred during this period.

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COP26: Climate activists on what change means for them

The UN climate summit COP26 is drawing to a close. Three climate activists in Glasgow gathered for the summit to answer questions about climate change, their hopes for the conference and their advice on how to deal with environmental fears.

Mitzi Jonelle Tan is a 24-year-old Filipino activist, Gaston Tenembaum (20) is an environmental activist based in Argentina, and Dominique Palmer (22) is a climate justice activist from the UK.

Video produced by: Aisha Doherty

Additional shooting: Laura Foster

Find out more about the climate summit:

The world climate summit COP26 in Glasgow in November is considered to be crucial for the containment of climate change. Almost 200 countries are asked about their emission reduction plans, which could lead to big changes in our daily lives.

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Himalayan village divided in two by climate change

400 million people around the world depend on mountain glaciers for their drinking water as well as for agriculture. But with rising temperatures and decreasing snowfall, the Himalayan glaciers are shrinking and some have already dried up.

The village of Kumik in the northern Ladakh region of India is experiencing a severe water crisis and some residents are being forced to leave their homes and move elsewhere.

Filming and editing by Neha Sharma, reporting by Aamir Peerzada

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Kite Engineer is committed to revolutionizing DIY wind power

Could spinning portable kites offer a more environmentally friendly solution to generating electricity?

Inventor Rod Read spent over a decade developing "turbine kite" technology in the Scottish Isles.

Gusts of wind turn light kite blades connected to a generator on the ground, providing an inexpensive and portable alternative to traditional static turbines.

Rod builds the "hypnotic" devices by hand from lightweight fabrics. During the tests, he was able to charge his electric truck with the system.

Morgan Spence video

Pictures: windswept and interesting

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Space telescopes inspired by Hummer

X-ray space telescopes can be used to study large events like black hole formation.

But until recently, her field of view was relatively narrow, which made it difficult to capture this unexpected activity.

By mimicking how lobster eyes work, scientists around the world have developed new telescopes that can examine much larger areas.

Hear 30 Years That Made Us Smarter on BBC World Service for more nature-inspired innovations.

Voice: Patrick Aryee

Producer: Jennifer Green

Moderated by Jules Bartl

Our thanks go to Dr. Adrian Martindale, Dr. Steven Sembay and Prof. Paul O'Brien from the University of Leicester, Prof. Jelle Atema from Boston University and Richard J. King.

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Ros Atkins on ... tree planting and climate change

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Ros Atkins examines why some experts are worried about large-scale tree-planting initiatives.

Lough Bradan: The peat bog in the service of the fight against climate change

A bog renaturation project in Northern Ireland is helping to create clean drinking water while combating climate change.

The swamp lies on the banks of Loch Bradan in County Tyrone, which supplies water to the Omagh and Drumquin regions.

It is part of a restoration project by NI Water in collaboration with the Forest Service.

Using a technique called cell pooling, the Lough Bradan swamp now holds water in the peat below and filters what goes into the lake.

Rebecca Allen of NI Water said, "Cell containment encourages the growth of key mosses that hold back water and raise water tables.

"This will slow the flow into the lough from the surrounding areas, which will filter the water flowing into the lough for years to come."

The area has returned to a functioning peat bog, meaning it will have far-reaching effects on the environment by storing carbon in the form of peat.

Ms. Allen added, "Healthy wetlands can offer a nature-based solution to climate change, so it's great that this wetland in County Tyrone is now part of it."

Promoters hope that Lough Bradan will serve as a model for future forest and bog restoration projects in Northern Ireland.

Video reporter: Niall McCracken

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Could Scotland be a wind superpower?

Have you ever driven through a wind farm and noticed that some wind turbines do not turn even in windy weather?

The UK's national electricity grid needs to be balanced: if there is too much supply and too little demand, there is no way for that electricity to come.

But is there a way to use this excess wind energy? And could green hydrogen at least be part of the solution?

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COP26: How Protesters Prepared for the Glasgow Climate Summit

Hundreds of protesters have taken to the streets of the city since the start of the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow.

Some, like 17-year-old climate activist Dylan Hamilton who is part of Fridays for Future led by Greta Thunberg, have been preparing for the event for more than two years.

And as COP26 approached, a café in Glasgow began storing the keys to universal handcuffs.

Dylan and Miles Grant of the Pink Peacock Cafe told BBC News why they were taking action.

Video reporter: Tamsin Selbie

Find out more about the climate summit:

The world climate summit COP26 in Glasgow in November is considered to be crucial for the containment of climate change. Almost 200 countries are asked about their emission reduction plans, which could lead to big changes in our daily lives.

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Sharks are my best friends

For the past 40 years, veteran scuba diver Jim Abernethy has been swimming with sharks almost daily in a shallow, crystal clear ocean of the Bahamas known as Tiger Beach.

Jim could be surrounded by at least 30 tiger, reef, and lemon sharks at any time. But Jim has a unique relationship with these underwater predators who swim towards him to rub their noses lovingly.

To learn more about Jim's life with sharks, listen to the Outlook podcast .

Producers: Clayton Conn and Mariana Des Forges.

Video of Caitlin Sneddon.

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What is hydrogen energy and why is it important?

As governments and industry strive to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to zero, hydrogen and its potential as a clean fuel are making headlines again.

What exactly is hydrogen energy and how could it be used as an alternative to fossil fuels?

See Roger Harrabin, the BBC's energy and environmental analyst, explain.

Find out more about the climate summit:

The world climate summit COP26 in Glasgow in November is considered to be crucial for the containment of climate change. Almost 200 countries are asked about their emission reduction plans, which could lead to big changes in our daily lives.

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Climate summit: behind the scenes at COP26

Thousands of scientists, executives, delegates and journalists from around the world gathered in Glasgow for the next two weeks for COP26, the United Nations climate change summit.

His discussions on climate change and reducing greenhouse gas emissions will take place behind closed doors at the SEC Center in Glasgow.

BBC science editor David Shukman took a look.

Find out more about the climate summit:

The world climate summit COP26 in Glasgow in November is considered to be crucial for the containment of climate change. Almost 200 countries are asked about their emission reduction plans, which could lead to big changes in our daily lives.

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Climate Change: The Indian People Who Could Disappear Underwater

Uppada, a coastal village in the southern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh, is known for its unique weaving tradition.

But its existence is threatened by rising sea levels.

Several people have been displaced due to severe coastal erosion that destroyed their homes and damaged their property.

Now they are settling further offshore.

Climatologists say the nearby town of Kakinada, just 25 kilometers away, could also be underwater in 80 years.

Video by Shankar Vadishetti and Ravi Pedapolu.

Edited by Sangeetham Prabhakar

More information about the climate summit

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Mount Augustus: Preservation of the lesser known holy rock of Australia

Mount Augustus is a massive rock in Western Australia that has often been compared to a more famous landmark, Uluru.

Known as Burringurrah by the local Aboriginal people, it has also been a sacred site for thousands of years.

Indigenous rangers have recently stepped up their efforts to preserve them.

Video by Isabelle Rodd

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Prime Minister confirms opposition to Britain's new coal mine

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said he is not in favor of a coal mining project in Cumbria, but the decision "is not mine".

Johnson spoke to BBC weather editor Justin Rowlatt ahead of COP26 in Glasgow.

Find out more about the climate summit.

The world climate summit COP26 in Glasgow in November is considered to be crucial for the containment of climate change. Almost 200 countries are asked about their emission reduction plans, which could lead to big changes in our daily lives.

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Drone collects wastewater pumped into the sea for days

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A photographer picks up a pipeline that pumps filtered sewage into Langstone Harbor in Hampshire.

Ros Atkins on ... India's Climate Challenge

Ros Atkins examines how India is trying to balance poverty reduction with meeting its climate commitments.

More information about the climate summit

The world climate summit COP26 in Glasgow in November is considered to be crucial for the containment of climate change. Almost 200 countries are asked about their emission reduction plans, which could lead to big changes in our daily lives.

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Living at 50 ° C: Surviving Kuwait's "unbearable" heat

The Middle East is warming faster than most of the world and Kuwait is heading for unbearable temperatures.

As the mercury rises above 53 ° C, three Kuwaiti citizens - an influencer, a meteorologist and a retired official - sound the alarm.

They are demanding that Kuwait not get any hotter and one of them has a solution to offer.

With 2021 set to be one of the hottest years on earth, Life at 50C shows the human impact of our changing climate.

More information about the climate summit

The world climate summit COP26 in Glasgow in November is considered to be crucial for the containment of climate change. Almost 200 countries are asked about their emission reduction plans, which could lead to big changes in our daily lives.

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Can Lego save Singapore's coral reefs?

Singapore is home to a third of the world's coral reefs, an astonishing number for a small country.

Coral reefs protect the world's coasts, are home to thousands of fish, and are an important part of the underwater ecosystem.

However, problems such as land reclamation and coastal development have depleted Singapore's reefs for decades.

But a group of scientists from the National University of Singapore are trying to change that with Lego bricks.

Video by Yvette Tan and Joshua Lim.

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Sir David Attenborough urges nations to act for the climate

Sir David Attenborough urged developed countries to take "moral responsibility" for climate change as the world gathers in Glasgow in November for COP26, the United Nations climate change summit.

He spoke to BBC science editor David Shukman on the set of his new documentary series The Green Planet, which uses time-lapse to capture the flora at close range.

The Green Planet premieres at COP26 in Glasgow and will air on BBC One next year.

Read more: Attenborough in climate warning "Act Now"

More information about the climate summit

The world climate summit COP26 in Glasgow in November is considered to be crucial for the containment of climate change. Almost 200 countries are asked about their emission reduction plans, which could lead to big changes in our daily lives.

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How can Coca-Cola solve its plastic problem?

Coca-Cola sells more than 100 billion single-use plastic bottles each year. So many of them end up as trash that new numbers on Monday revealed the company was the world's largest plastic polluter.

It's a problem Samoa is starting to face after Coca-Cola switched from glass to plastic bottles in the Pacific Islands earlier this year.

The BBC's Panorama program has figured out what that means for a country too small to have its own recycling facility.

UK viewers can catch the full story on Panorama: The Coca-Cola 100 Billion Problem on BBC One at 7:35 p.m. ET. It is also on BBC iPlayer to be available.

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Climate activists are calling for Norway to stop oil and gas production

While world leaders are preparing for the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow in November, rising gas prices in Europe have highlighted the continent's deep dependence on fossil fuels. Young climate activists in Norway urge European judges to prevent their government from allowing more oil and gas drilling.

Reporter: Nick Beake, BBC Europe correspondent

Producer: Kate Vandy

Filmed and edited by: Maarten Willems

More information about the climate summit

The world climate summit COP26 in Glasgow in November is considered to be crucial for the containment of climate change. Almost 200 countries are asked about their emission reduction plans, which could lead to big changes in our daily lives.

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Climate activists who want Norway to stop oil and gas production

While world leaders are preparing for the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow in November, rising gas prices in Europe have highlighted the continent's deep dependence on fossil fuels. Young climate activists in Norway urge European judges to prevent their government from allowing more oil and gas drilling.

Reporter: Nick Beake, BBC Europe correspondent

Producer: Kate Vandy

Filmed and edited by: Maarten Willems

More information about the climate summit

The world climate summit COP26 in Glasgow in November is considered to be crucial for the containment of climate change. Almost 200 countries are asked about their emission reduction plans, which could lead to big changes in our daily lives.

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Snowdonia's special moments in film over the past 70 years

From its rugged peaks to remote moorland and hidden canyons, Eryri, also known as Snowdonia, has always drawn visitors from all over the world.

It's been 70 years since it was declared a national park, with a variety of events to mark the occasion.

Over the decades, the national park has been the scene of many magical moments.

A visit to the Duke of Edinburgh in 1956, a hot air balloon ride in 1972, and a dramatic sheep rescue in 1976 are among the events that have been captured in film over the years.

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Ros Atkins on ... Europe's climate challenge

Ros Atkins examines how Europe is tackling its emissions problem.

More information about the climate summit

The world climate summit COP26 in Glasgow in November is considered to be crucial for the containment of climate change. Almost 200 countries are asked about their emission reduction plans, which could lead to big changes in our daily lives.

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