
A policeman dips a dog out of an icy lake.

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A police diver rescued a puppy from a frozen lake in Turkey.

Captain Lou Rudd is the first Briton to cross the Antarctic without help

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A British Army officer became the second person to cross the Antarctic without assistance.


The rarest bird in the world settles in Madagascar

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Ecologists hope to save a duck species called Madagascar bean from extinction.


Christmas plastic workshop to reduce party waste.

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Workshops have been held in Whitley Bay to reduce the use of plastic during the Christmas holidays.


SpaceX launches a military satellite after four attempts.

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The Falcon 9 rocket launched on Sunday from Cape Canaveral after the cancellation of four previous starts.


Hamish the polar bear becomes one

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Hamish, the polar bear, celebrates his first birthday in his home in Highland.

Christmas plastic workshop to reduce party waste

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Workshops have been held in Whitley Bay to reduce the use of plastic during the Christmas holidays.

Albino rare orangutan & # 039; Alba & # 039; go back to nature

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Alba, the only known albino orangutan in the world, was rehabilitated for several months.


Botanical artist experiences rare plants.

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Artist Lucy Smith draws plants to be registered at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.


"I have no children to fight climate change"

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The environmentalist Jason MacGregor and his partner have no children because they do not want to increase the anthropogenic pressure of climate change.


Extinction Rebellion: The story behind the activist group

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They blocked bridges, blocked gaps and closed roads to fight climate change.


Take the next NASA rover on Mars.

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Scientists have already planned the route the next NASA robot will make when landing on Mars in 2021

The seal cubs in the UK are exposed to toxic chemicals.

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In the United Kingdom, seal babies in mother's milk are "at risk" with synthetic toxic chemicals.

Time prevents the plastic car from reaching the South Pole

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A plastic car had to stop its mission to the South Pole due to bad weather.


Climate change in the Antarctic: Scientists visit the most remote island in the world

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Exploring ice cores on a small island in the South Atlantic helps us understand why the Antarctic glaciers are melting.

Ride NASA's next rover on Mars.

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Scientists have already planned the route the next NASA robot will make when landing on Mars in 2021


Virgin Galactic SpaceShipTwo: The view from the end of space

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The Virgin Galactic SpaceShipTwo rocket completed a successful test flight 82.7 km above the surface.


Astronaut Nick Hague ready for his second spaceflight attempt

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The astronaut Nick Hague is ready for his next spaceflight attempt after the abortion of the first mission.

Dive into the clouds of Jupiter with Juno Nasa

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The Juno mission from NASA to Jupiter has reached half its history, revealing spectacular views of the planet's polar storms.


How did the astronauts of Apollo 8 take the famous "Earthrise"? photography

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Frank Borman was the commander of the Apollo 8 mission on the moon. The astronauts made an iconic image of the earth rising above the lunar surface.

Samples cut during a spacewalk around the Soyuz Hole

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The cosmonauts took samples around a hole that, according to Moscow, might have been caused by an exercise.


The protest at the climate summit in Poland limits the anger of young activists

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The demonstrators are frustrated at the strict control of the protests at the UN climate summit in Poland.

Oil thieves spilling in Guanabara Bay in Rio de Janeiro

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In Guanabara Bay in Rio de Janeiro, thieves sank at least 60,000 liters of oil.

How did the astronauts of Apollo 8 take the famous "Earth Exit"? photography

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Frank Borman was the commander of the Apollo 8 mission on the moon. The astronauts made an iconic image of the earth rising above the lunar surface.


Climate change: Why do governments take so long to act?

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According to climate scientists, progress is far from being achieved. What should be done to speed things up?

Where does the sun come from?

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Earth would be a block of frozen stone without the energy our next star creates.


Mission to bring millions of fossils online.

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The museums, including the Smithsonian in Washington, have committed to digitally record the copies in their collection.


Climate change: Why do governments need so long to act?

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According to climate scientists, progress is far from being achieved. What should be done to speed things up?


A discharged man demands discrimination against his "ethical veganism".

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Jordi Casamitjana wants ethical veganism to be recognized as a philosophical conviction in an historical dispute.


A man fired calls for discrimination against his "ethical veganism"

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Jordi Casamitjana wants ethical veganism recognized as a philosophical belief in a historical legal process.

The Falcon 9 rocket is heading towards the sea.

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The rocket had a hydraulic problem on the way back to Earth.


An underground journey to one of the mines operated in Poland.

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While Poland is organizing COP24 near Katowice, David Shukman is in the depths of a mine.


The country where it is an environmental activist is a lonely job.

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Poland's electricity is about 80% coal. Patryk Bialas says that time has changed.


A man fired calls for discrimination against his "ethical veganism" & # 039;

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Jordi Casamitjana wants ethical veganism to be recognized as a philosophical conviction in an historical dispute.

A climate activist: "It is time for Poland to gradually eliminate coal."

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Poland's electricity is about 80% coal. Patryk Bialas says that time has changed.


"Miss Environment": 11-year-old girl rescues Lagos

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Misimi Isimi is an 11-year-old environmentalist whose job it is to clean up Lagos.

Climate change: how slag can remove CO2 from the air.

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Scientists in Wales are studying how slag dumps are used to remove CO2 from the air in the fight against climate change.


"Miss Environment": the 11-year-old girl who rescues Lagos & # 039;

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Misimi Isimi is an 11-year-old environmentalist whose job it is to clean Lagos.


Climate change: "This is a global problem that we all fail" & # 039;

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The head of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, warned that the rise of nationalism is undermining efforts to combat global warming.

"Miss Environment": The 11-year-old girl who rescues Lagos & # 039;

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Misimi Isimi is an 11-year-old environmentalist whose job it is to clean up Lagos.


Climate change: & # 039; It is a global problem that we all fail.

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The head of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, warns that the rise of nationalism is damaging efforts to combat global warming

The Romanian forest disappearing.

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Why is one of Europe's last large beech forests facing the cut?


Lazy cows and miles of food for greenhouse gases

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Why the livestock-produced gases and the carbon footprint of many of the foods we eat are an important factor in global warming.

The two Swedish mothers who do not want people to fly for a year.

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Two Swedish climate-oriented mothers have launched a campaign to make people fly in 2019.


NASA mission: InSight lands successfully on Mars

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The probe has already taken a first picture of the surface of the red planet.

Mars InSight: The Moment of Touch.

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The touchdown confirmation was sent shortly after 19:50 GMT.


Virtual Safari: Photos of wildlife from all over the world.

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A new exhibition sheds light on the work of the winners of the Nature's Best Photography Award 2018.

Mars InSight: control over NASA's mission

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As NASA prepares to land on Mars, Victoria Gill is in the operations center and discovers an unusual tradition.


The mission of NASA Mars InSight Lander to teach us more about the Earth

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Lander NASA Mars InSight has to reach the surface of the red planet on Monday night. You will get to know the inside of the planet to learn more about your training.


& # 039; Science Fiction and # 039; Aircraft without moving parts fly successfully.

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The MIT scientists create the first aircraft to fly without any moving parts.

The astronaut aboard the ISS records the launch sequence of the spacecraft

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ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst records the launch of the Russian cargo ship Progress MS-10.


Meet the woman you are looking for in abandoned office buildings in search of unwanted treasures.

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Cat Fletcher, a so-called "goddess of resources," is paid to scour abandoned office buildings in search of items that can be reused and thrown away.


David Attenborough: The biggest climate threat for thousands of years & # 039;

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The TV presenter is expected to call for further action in an important speech in the UN climate talks next month.


Attenborough has accepted the decision to rescue the penguins. lives

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The dynasty crew made a rare decision when a group of failed Emperor Penguins was killed.

Technology that can use water sustainably.

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Finnish and British scientists have developed a computer model to visualize groundwater levels in real time.


Attenborough has accepted the decision to save the penguins & # 039; lives

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The dynasty crew made a rare decision when a group of failed Emperor Penguins was killed.


The oldest cave painting of an animal discovered in Borneo.

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The scientists spent several days exploring rural Borneo to discover a 40,000-year-old work of art.


Diseased Exhibitions of the Pathology Museum of UCL.

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Christa Larwood visits the UCL Pathology Museum, which is usually reserved for medical students.


How can trees be saved from extinction?

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The world is losing plants at unprecedented speed. Every fifth chance to disappear. The race is open to save backups in Seed Banks.


Soy thirst of the world destroys the Savannah Cerrado of Brazil

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The closed Brazil, rich in biodiversity, is destroyed for the production of soy, conservationists say

The Brecon project gives the water field the opportunity to fight

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A breeding project in Powys aims to give mice the chance to be born again.

The explosive science behind the fireworks.

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The unbelievably simple science behind intelligent chemistry that lets your night come out with a bang.


Soy Thirst of the World destroys the Savannah Cerrado of Brazil

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Closed Brazil, rich in biodiversity, is being destroyed for soybean production, conservationists say

The Brecon project gives the fishing camp a chance

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A breeding project for prisoners in Powys should give mice the chance to be born again.


Is hydrogen the future of travel to the UK?

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According to the government, trains that emit clean water could be in the UK in early 2020.

Potholes: Why do we have so many?

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The Chancellor said the councils in England would get an additional 420 million pounds in their budget to repair the potholes.


Construction HS2: Relocation of the remains of 40,000 people.

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The work begins to exhume thousands of skeletons to make way for the construction of HS2.


California's Porphyus rufescens jellyfish

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Poralia rufescens floats off the coast of Southern California in the Pacific Ocean.


Chimpanzee was illegally introduced in Dorset

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Naree was illegally smuggled to Thailand and forced to play in a circus.


& # 039; headless chicken sea monster & # 039; filmed swimming in the East Antarctic

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A sea cucumber floating on the high seas was filmed for the first time in the southern ocean east of the Antarctic.


BepiColombo: Mercury's space mission that helps us understand the Earth

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The BepiColombo mission could illuminate the space weather and the history of our planet

Why are these African people killing mosquitoes?

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The genetically modified insects are part of a project to fight malaria in Africa.

Poralia rufescens jellyfish seen in California

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Poralia rufescens floats off the coast of Southern California in the Pacific Ocean.


Can a cook help save the jungle?

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The solar kitchen, which uses an alternative to charcoal.

Mercury: learn from the strangest planet.

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The first European exploration mission will begin on Saturday: what can you teach us?

Why is this African city leaving mosquitoes?

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The genetically modified insects are part of a project to fight malaria in Africa.


Children living at the forefront of climate change.

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Schoolchildren in the Mekong Delta in Vietnam are experiencing the terrible effects of global warming.

The company in Herefordshire brings a crispy, biodegradable packaging on the market

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The manufacturer says the once removed bags have a shelf life of six months.


The company in Herefordshire brings a crispy biodegradable packaging on the market

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The manufacturer says the once removed bags have a shelf life of six months.

New Koalas from Europe arrive in Longleat

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Five koalas from South Australia were brought to the UK to form a reserve population.


The supersonic bloodhound reaches an obstacle

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The project to drive a car at more than 300 km / h is facing a financial obstacle, the company behind the company has to be handed over to the administration.

Chicken nuggets grown in a laboratory

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The chicken nuggets that are grown in a lab can really know ... well ... chicken? A taste test in meat grown in the laboratory.


Puffin patrol: kids save the fluffy Iceland

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Puffin populations suffer but young volunteers come to rescue them.


Soyuz returns to Earth after a malfunction.

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A capsule with two crew members aboard a defective Russian Soyuz rocket landed safely.


Children at the forefront of climate change.

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Schoolchildren in the Mekong Delta in Vietnam are experiencing the terrible effects of global warming.

BBC helps stop smuggling of chimpanzees in Nepal

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A BBC poll that revealed the extent of the chimpanzee trade last year helped the Nepalese police uncover a smuggling operation.


Whale cubs rescued from shark net near the Australian coast

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It takes two hours to start the new humpback whale of the Australian Gold Coast.


Climate change: how 1.5 degrees could change the world.

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Why is it important to take action to keep global warming at 1.5 degrees?

Climate change: what would you be willing to do?

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Here are five steps we can take to avoid temperatures in excess of 1.5 degrees Celsius worldwide.


Yusaku Maezawa: Why did I buy a ticket for the moon?

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The mission of Space X on the Moon will be the first moon journey made by humans since 1972.


View: Joel Sartore, animal photographer, all zeros.

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Zoos can help save animals, not just in cages, says experienced photographer Joel Sartore.


Viewpoint: Joel Sartore, the wildlife photographer who loves zoos.

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Zoos can help save animals, not just in cages, says experienced photographer Joel Sartore.

& # 039; Nobody should be informed that he is not & # 039;

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Professor Donna Strickland was the first woman to win the Nobel Prize in Physics for 55 years.

Sir David Attenborough: "The growth of the population must stop" # 039;

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Sir David Attenborough on the Isle of Love, global warming, population growth and meat consumption.


How should we deal with a large-scale chemical attack?

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Scientists are developing a technology to help.

Why did so many deep sea whales fail in Scotland?

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Scientists are investigating why about 70 deep-sea whales have stranded on the beaches of Scotland and Ireland since the beginning of August.

Norwegian teenager is fighting against the government for arctic oil

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Elina Berg is a member of a campaign group that is suing the Norwegian government for oil exploration in the Arctic.


Plastics Watch: Could algae replace plastic containers?

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An Indonesian inventor has come up with a unique solution to the plastic food packaging problem.



Hyderabad houses and walkways from used plastic bags.

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Indian companies may have found a way to turn plastic waste into a golden opportunity.

Pollution threatens the future of killer whales

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Researchers say that killer whales have serious problems due to persistent chemical pollution in the environment.

Do these bats stay after building HS2?

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HS2 is built by the habitat of these bats.


Houses and walkways in Hyderabad from used plastic bags

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Indian companies may have found a way to convert plastic waste into commercial gold opportunities.


Is vegan better for the environment?

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More and more people are choosing the plant-based diet.

The shipwreck of Portugal is the discovery of a decade-long value.

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The shipwreck of a ship sank 400 years ago contains money used in the slave trade.


India's ambitions for solar energy

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India has great solar ambitions, but can recent political uncertainties overshadow its plans?


Rare two-headed snake found in Virginia's garden

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The rare copperhead was found in a Virginia garden and is unlikely to survive in the wild.


Life as a medical photographer at Addenbrooke Hospital & # 039;

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See what life looks like for a medical photographer in a city hospital.


Gulper eel taken to camera in Hawaii

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A camera showing her big pocket-shaped mouth in Hawaii catches a strange eel behind closed doors.

The couple helps the hedgehogs to return to nature

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Frank and Veronica Tett have been treating the hedgehogs for 30 years.


The inventor who plans to build a city under the sea

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After decades of exploring the depths of the ocean, Phil Nuytten plans to build a colony there.


Fear of hunger after the theft of piglets from the London farm

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There are fears for the welfare of 11 small piglets who were stolen on a farm in London.

The satellite that can clean the space debris from Earth's orbit

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This is part of a plan to clean up the millions of garbage floating in orbit.


Nightingales can disappear in Hampshire

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An animal rights activist warns that the species could disappear in Hampshire.

Laser NASA launches into space

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ICESat-2 will use lasers to measure the level of ice on Earth orbiting 500 km above the planet.


Salford scientists show how cars can strengthen their home

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Electric cars with stored energy that can be transferred to a house.


Has Usain Bolt won the space race?

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The retired sprinter Usain Bolt took part in a serious race as part of a champagne promotion.


30 years later, the Somerset fishing camp

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The National Trust Conservation Project aims to stimulate wildlife at Holnicote Farm in Exmoor.


Huge barrier to clean the plastic of the Pacific

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The ambitious project aims to combat a garbage collection known as the Great Garbage Patch.


Go plastic smoker

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One activist hopes to collect one million cigarette butts from local beaches to alert them to the plastic they contain.


The new hall of the Natural History Museum honors Mary Anning

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The room was redesigned in honor of paleontology pioneer Mary Anning.


What really happens in recycling & # 039; Plastic?

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Many Japanese who recycle the plastic of their home would be surprised to know where they would end up.


Anti-poaching unit for women protecting elephants

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This women's team protects elephants in the South African jungle from ivory poachers.


Save the King of the Birds & # 039; with DNA

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Scientists believe that a genetic code could help protect the golden eagle in nature.


Fireball in the camera in Perth

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A fireball, allegedly a meteorite, illuminated the sky near Perth in Western Australia.


Birds following the planes to return home

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One of the most threatened birds in the world has lost its sense of direction. For example, a team of men flies planes of more than 1000 km with a flock of birds behind them.


Can a turtle live without her shell?

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Scientists have found evidence that the turtles once lived without shells.


Aeolus: How a satellite will measure the wind on Earth

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Meteorologists expect Aeolus to have a significant impact on the quality of weather forecasts in the medium term.


How plastic waste was turned into banks

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The plastic waste collected in the Volvo Ocean Race is recycled and used to make items such as plastic benches.


How far will these eagles spread their wings?

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A new project in Scotland is to reintroduce the Golden Eagles in England and Wales.


What is the truth about spiders in our homes?

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Animal researcher Tim Cockerill tells us about the truth about spiders.


Rare flowers of Chinese trees attract visitors to Roath Park

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The Chinese tree flourished for the first time since its planting in Cardiff over 100 years ago.

One study indicates a drastic decline in mountain hare

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The conservation groups have called for an end to the "blind and reckless killing" of the rabbits in the mountains.

Warm weather reveals a hidden story to archaeologists

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The heatwave in the UK was good for aerial archaeologists who discovered hidden treasures in the dry fields.


United States US Intermediate Elections: Real Seekers Candidate for Election

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"Scientists are not natural politicians ... but they solve problems," says one of the record numbers of midterm elections in the United States.

Farmers using sewage to make saris

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As groundwater supplies in rural India dwindle, farmers turn to sewage to grow crops such as the mulberry that produces silk.

Going with children without plastic: tips to reduce your addiction

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Blogger Mamalina offers five tips to reduce your addiction to plastic if you have small children.


NASA's Parker Solar Probe has been successfully launched

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The NASA probe Parker Solar Probe has set itself the task of "touching the sun".


Parker Solar Probe: How NASA tries to touch the sun

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NASA's Parker Solar Probe approaches our star like no other in history.


Parker Solar Probe: How NASA tried to touch the sun

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NASA's Parker Solar Probe approaches our star like no other in history.


The artist's paper cup pyramid highlights the problem of waste

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After handing over trash bags to Oxford's Simon Mandarino, he decided to visualize the problem more visually.

Hail kills two animals and injures 14 people in a Colorado zoo

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Two animals died and 14 were injured after hail the size of a baseball hit a Colorado zoo.

Extreme summer weather conditions have won

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Forest fires, monsoon rains and droughts have affected several countries over the past month.


Meet the astronauts of NASA

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You will be aboard EE's first flights. UU To the International Space Station since the end of the ferry program.


Shark caught because he needed help & # 39;

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The man who took a shark from an aquarium in Texas, USA. Uu. He said he did it because he needed "help".

A dawn of space

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This time-lapse photograph was taken by the International Space Station of a single orbital dusk on Earth.


Salmon fed with genetically modified plants in a nutritional test

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Researchers are feeding the farmed salmon from a genetically modified plant to see if it is raising omega-3 levels.


Everything you need to know about snakes this summer

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Professor Tim Cockerill of the University of South Wales explains where we can find snakes when it's hot

Salmon, which was fed in a nutritional experiment with genetically modified plants

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Researchers feed the farmed salmon from a genetically modified plant to see if it increases levels of omega-3.


British Heatwave: everything you need to know about snakes

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Professor Tim Cockerill from the University of South Wales explains where snakes can be found in summer.


The science behind the blood moon

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The lunar eclipse of Friday night will take longer than anything else in the 21st century.


Life on Mars: What do we know?

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Victoria Gill looks at four key moments in search of life on the red planet.

British Heatwave 2018: Why is it so hot?

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Would you like to know why you spent weeks without sleep? The BBC's scientific editor looks at the causes of our many heat waves.


Rare corals on the west coast of Ireland

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Rare corals were found on an offshore research mission off the west coast of Ireland.


The Nairobi National Park Railway threatens Kenya's wildlife.

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Defenders of nature howl on a high-speed train route through the Nairobi National Park.


Plastic wave hits Dominican Republic

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It was the scene on a beach in the Dominican Republic after a storm.


The Nairobi National Park Railroad threatens the wildlife of Kenya & # 039;

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Defenders of nature howl on a high-speed train route through the Nairobi National Park.

Biodegradable plastic bags to nothing?

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This seems like the perfect solution, but critics say their test failed.



The history of the United Kingdom in space

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The United Kingdom is expected to open its first spaceport in Sutherland, Scotland. But he already has a long history in space.

Does Wales have the key to save the puffin from extinction?

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As the bird dies in some parts of Europe, the population thrives on a Welsh island.


Longleat prepares for the vulnerable arrival of South Koala

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A breeding program should help to preserve the number of endangered species.


Attenborough launches' Boaty McBoatface & # 039; polar ship

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Sir David Attenborough launched the hull of the newest polar ship in the United Kingdom, which bears his name.


The paddle boarders highlight the plastic pollution on the trip to Mallorca

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Catherine Friend and Valérie Bisbal are the first to tour Mallorca on a paddleboard.

Secret Nuclear Test Films Thrown by the United States Cold War

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Scientists tend to films showing atmospheric nuclear tests during the Cold War.

Sir David Attenborough Polar Ship: Here is a preview

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There is even room for a cafe, a sauna and a gym on the boat £ 200m.


Use streets to produce electricity and toilet paper

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Can we use roads to produce electricity, make toilet paper and increase the bee population?

Swarms of moon jellyfish as & # 039; Oil stain & # 039; Coast of Ceredigion

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Dolphin watchers on a boat trip were surrounded by thousands of jellyfish near the harbor of New Quay.


What is Novichok?

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Laura Foster explains how neurologist Novichok works and what to do if he thinks he has come in contact with it.

Sir David Attenborough: Preparing a British polar ship for a great day

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Take a look at the 10,000-ton hull of the new British polar ship, which moves into position to take off.

Use roads to produce electricity and toilet paper

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Can we use roads to produce electricity, make toilet paper and increase the bee population?


Aboard the flying lab testing smoke from forest fires in the UK

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Victoria Gill accompanies the scientists to discover how forest fires affect the air we breathe.


Cliff Jump: Lucky withdrawal for boys after the fall of Llanberis

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A child jumping off a cliff in Llanberis escaped the injury as the stones fell behind him.

Salisbury Poisoning: What is Novichok?

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Laura Foster explains how neurologist Novichok works and what to do if he thinks he has come in contact with it.


Verification of reality: fishing for Brexit: sink or swim?

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BBC Reality Check analyzes the government's promise to regain control of British waters.


The University of Bristol discovers how wingless spiders fly

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The University of Bristol has discovered how spiders fly thousands of miles


Ipswich Coffee uses cups to make plastic trenches

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A cafeteria tries to cut their plastic waste by using donated cups and cups to serve hot drinks to take away.


Reality Check: Fishing after Brexit: sink or swim?

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BBC Reality Check analyzes the government's promise to regain control of British waters.


Fish saved as the Teme River dries in a heatwave

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More than 130 trout and salmon are saved after the fall of the rivers.

The artist forms a Walchor in North Shields

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French artist Marina Rees has founded a "Chorus of Whales" to launch her new exhibition

What is a shelf cloud?

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The meteorological system was recorded in Lake Superior, Michigan, USA.


How crows can use a vending machine

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See how Emma the Raven makes the money needed to run a machine.

First survey of seal pups in Thames

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Mammals have returned and scientists count them to protect them from threats.


Fingerprint technology could help catch poachers of pangolins

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British scientists are finding a way to remove fingerprints from the grasped pangolin scales.


A demon of dust resembling a mirage whirls in the heat of Llandrindod Wells

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The strange weather phenomenon was seen in Powys as temperatures rose throughout Wales.

The plastic waste from the coffee cup is cut with a simple change

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A university campus has reduced the use of disposable cups with a simple change.


Meet the & # 039; forgot & # 039; Victorian astronomer Annie Maunder

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A state-of-the-art telescope is named after Annie Maunder, a Victorian pioneer of space photography.


How to buy in Birmingham's plastic-free supermarket?

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Reusable bags, bottles and containers are the key to success for these buyers in Birmingham.

The birds fill up with plastic

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On a deserted island in the Tasman Sea, scientists are fighting to save the shearwater chicks at the foot of the flesh.


Mountain lion kitten found life in the American cave

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Meet the new inhabitants of a cave in California.

Pigs that are being processed by the gene that is immune to lung diseases

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Scottish pigs have changed their genes and are now immune to a deadly respiratory disease.


Hello Kitty ...

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Meet the new inhabitants of a cave in Santa Monica.

Wolves in France: Farmers fear attacks

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A mayor says children under the age of 10 should not walk alone in the event of an attack.


Will the Norwegian electric plane take off?

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A battery-powered aircraft that could mean a journey without guilt is part of a plan to tackle climate change.


Hong Kong fish eat plastic, and people could be too

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Much of Hong Kong fish contains small pieces of plastic that could land on your plate.


Season of Horse Fly: How to avoid being bitten

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This is the season of the flies, meaning anyone who loves the field should pay attention to the bites.


What a load of teeth!

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Wade Kelly's drone caught dozens of reptiles this week, basking in the Australian Daly River.

Volcano Kilauea: Melting lava meets the sea

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Kilauea volcano spilled lava into the ocean off Hawaii, causing a haze of hydrochloric acid.

Ten ways to reduce plastics in the home

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Author and activist Will McCallum gives us his best advice to eliminate plastics from our daily lives.


The Polar Antarctic Areas: Four Things You Should Know

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With the Antarctic, which delivers faster ice, you must know about the ice cap on the continent.

Antelope Sucks: Survivors of the Ice Age are now at risk

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Scientists hope to save the Saiga, a Central Asian antelope that survived the ice age but is now endangered.


In search of the chemistry of life on Mars

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NASA says that organic matter suggests that there could be life on the planet.

Plastic and cotton found in the wild clams of the United Kingdom

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Scientists warn that the material, including underwear, can be found in seafood.


Take a look at the largest legal cannabis farm in the world

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Canada wants to legalize marijuana for recreational purposes. The BBC visited a large cannabis farm in British Columbia, which according to the operator is the largest in the world.

Meet the nuns who help save a sacred species from extinction

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The axolotl, a unique salamander in Mexico, has been almost completely destroyed by pollution and overfishing.


How does plastic move around the oceans?

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David Shukman, editor-in-chief of BBC Science, explains what happens to plastic at sea.


Why do we like to dance together?

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Dancing is good for us ... but dancing together is even better


Meet the nuclear inspectors of the United Nations

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BBC News visited the IAEA Seibersdorf laboratory near Vienna to find out how they inspect nuclear power plants around the world.


Seal wounded by plastic and rope on the Norfolk coast

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The RSPCA states that the gray seal almost died after being found around the neck with a rope and plastic.


Water tower emerges from the Florida storm

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The strong winds of Storm Alberto caused a small storm in a pool in Panama City Beach, Florida.


Antarctica is my office and # 039;

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Jon Tyler is an Antarctic guide who teaches scientists how to survive in an extreme environment.


Are the caught dolphins happy?

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Scientists have tried to measure how dolphins feel about their environment in a French marine park.


Fox catches the hare, then the eagle

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There was a fight on the island of San Juan in the US state of Washington.


Rubber stamp released after the restoration of a plastic air filter injury

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The seal called Relashio was close to death when he was saved.

Why is there a dispute over Galileo?

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For safety reasons, Britain may be denied full access to the European satellite navigation system Galileo after Brexit.


That's why these lynxes howl

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A pair of lynxes was "screamed" with the camera.

Hawaiian Volcano: What is vog and laze?

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Get an impression of the Hawaiian volcano with the help of volcanologist Evgenia Ilyinskaya.


How to speak volcano like a professional

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With the help of the volcanologist Evgenia Ilyinskaya make terms such as vog, laze and pahoehoe.

What makes Lynx's scream?

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A pair of Canadian lynx were shot at the camera and shouted at each other.


Could illegal mines in Ghana generate higher prices for chocolate?

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There is a warning that cocoa plantations in Ghana are becoming illegal gold mines.

Kilauea: What happens when the lava hits the sea?

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Chris Buckler, BBC correspondent, explains what happens when the lava flow hits the sea.

An elephant baby has surprised zookeeper

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An elephant baby surprised the zookeepers after being born to a mother whose pregnancy had failed.


& # 039; Day Spa & # 039; for pregnant sharks

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Visit the "Day Spa", where mature sharks prepare for a hot bath


Hedgehogs: Thousands sign a petition against the rat trap threat

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Hedgehog enthusiasts fear that a rat trap licensed by the government in England could harm their little friends.


& # 039; The oldest & # 039; The 80-year-old turtle returns to Blackpool after 15 years

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The giant green turtle is considered the oldest of its kind in captivity in the United Kingdom.



EcoBricks from Indonesia: a new focus on your plastics & # 039; War & # 039;

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The head of an Indonesian food factory encourages his community to creatively reuse plastic waste.

Volcano rises at the end of the man's garden

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This resident of Hawaii had a surprise when he returned home after escaping the Kilauea outbreak.


Car wash in Hawaii

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The volcano Kilauea in Hawaii began to explode on May 3 and has destroyed 26 houses so far.

Spider trains to jump on demand

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It's a real jumping spider, and there is no price to guess what the point is.

Ecobricks from Indonesia: a new focus on your plastics & # 039; War & # 039;

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The head of an Indonesian food factory encourages his community to creatively reuse plastic waste.


The coffee cup that can be recycled in existing systems

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A cup of recyclable coffee could help replace the 2.5 billion disposable cups that are stored each year.


The largest cultivation of tulips outdoors in the UK in Norfolk

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Millions of flowers have caused a rush of color in the Norfolk countryside, but are destined to face a violent end.

The NASA InSight missile launches to Mars

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The US Space Agency has launched its last mission into the interior of the Red Planet.


Make desert sand thrive

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Norwegian scientists have developed a treatment that turns the dry desert sand into farmland.


Kew Gardens will reopen the world's largest Victorian greenhouse

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The tempered Kew Gardens House, built in 1863, houses some of the rarest plants in the world.


Such are the coral reefs

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The sounds of the Great Barrier Reef have calmed down over the last five years.


Discover Vlogger without YouTube video

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Kim and Amanda are dedicated to educating women about reusable products without plastics.


Solar system built on the site of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster

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How solar energy gives a new start to the site of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster.


Rescued Bald Eagle, released in Canada

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The bird of prey received in Canada a traditional farewell to Native Americans.


Macron in the US Congress US: & # 039; There is no planet B & # 39;

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The French President received more than just an ovation in his comments on climate change.

The robot helps to provide water in rural India

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The bespoke robot is part of a study that explores how technology can help people living in rural areas.

Hypnotic images show the overflow of a lava lake in Hawaii

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Lava was raised for the first time since 2016 over the crater of Kilauea volcano in Hawaii.


How to revive sleeping bees

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A veterinarian gives advice on how to help dehydrated drones come out of hibernation.

Do you want a free French farm?

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This Breton farm could be available to someone who will keep his traditional methods.


Why do I live in a castle in a plastic bottle?

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The man builds a four-storey lock in recycled plastic bottles.


King of the castle from plastic bottles

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Meet the "Plastic King" of Robert Bezeau and his four-story castle, made with recycled bottles in Panama.

& # 039; Exploit the ant & # 039; Species found in Southeast Asia

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The newly discovered ants in the upper part of the canopy are nicknames because of their strange defensive behavior.


The best and worst space movies, according to NASA

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The best and worst space movies, according to NASA

NASA Engineer: Three facts about landing on Mars

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A NASA flight analyst explains three things you should know to go to Mars.


ExoMars: preparing for the red planet

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The engineers complete the assembly of the test model for the ExoMars Mobile Mission in Europe.


Climate in the UK: Why is not it a heat wave ... still

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People across the UK have enjoyed unusually warm weather, but when can we call it a heatwave?

Tess of NASA: The Hunting Satellite of the Planet takes off

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NASA's exoplanet study satellite (Tess) is searching for new planets.

Stella McCartney: Fashion conquers our planet

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Designer Stella McCartney says fashion is a medieval industry that produces a lot of waste.


Children ask the NASA astronaut to go into space

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Karen Nyberg, who has been in space twice, answers the questions of children in elementary school.

Porpoises picked from shallow water

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The young woman was trapped in Grange near Grangemouth.

Blue Planet: Plankton bearing the name of the David Attenborough series

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University College London (UCL) scientists decide to honor Sir David Attenborough and his team.


Gorilla Gorilla gives birth to the Smithsonian National Zoo

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Calaya, the western gorilla of the lowlands, gave birth to the Smithsonian National Zoo in Washington, DC.

NASA's Tess Planet Hunter: What are the stars like?

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The British astronomer Bill Chaplin demonstrates the sounds of stars and why it is useful to know them.


100 years of chemical weapons

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From chlorine to novikok, Hamish leads from Bretton-Gordon through the history of chemical weapons.


The Virgin Galactic spacecraft completes the test flight

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The supersonic test flight of its spaceship SpaceShipTwo was the first since the accident of 2014.


The pest controller of Kandahar

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It's not just about spiders, scorpions and snakes for the pest controller of Kandahar Air Base.


Use astronomy to save a species

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Scientists have developed a technique for counting animals that is normally used for star mapping.

Trash Robot cleans the trash of the Chicago River

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The robot connects to the Internet so that users of the web can control it and make a donation to pay the maintenance costs.

The Russians are protesting against the "toxic" discharge near Moscow

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The Russian capital has no recycling program, and growing landfills are causing health problems.


Distribute pesticides and use ducks instead

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Bernard Poujol believes that ducks are the future of paddy fields, but he has not yet perfected his technique.


RAF seeks space for the future

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The Royal Air Force crosses the borders, 100 years from the beginning. Three women serving with the RAF explain.


Close-up: The moment a cheetah joins a safari

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Britton Hayes was on safari with his uncle in Tanzania when a cheetah entered the vehicle.


As DNA can be used computer to store data

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British scientists believe that DNA can be used to solve a global problem - where to store all of our data.

He was married, so I went instead in Antarctica

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Meena raised a "good Indian girl" who was getting married, but she is outside Antarctica.

Yuri Gagarin, the first man in space

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It is 50 years since the death of Yuri Gagarin, the Russian cosmonaut who was the first man to travel into space.


I had to marry, so I went to the Antarctic instead

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Meena was raised as a "good Indian girl" who would marry, but she went to Antarctica.

Yuri Gagarin: first man in space

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It's been fifty years since Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin was the first person in space to travel.


How the science of GCSE in England is changing

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Students are scored numerically on a 9 to 1 scale.

Anger at Sheffield's plan to cut down healthy trees

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The Sheffield City Council's plan to tear down thousands of healthy trees provokes angry protests.

How can DNA be used to store computer data?

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British scientists believe that DNA could be used to solve a global problem: where do we store all our data?


The last male White Rhino dies in Kenya

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Sudan died in a Kenyan prison at the age of 45 after months of poor health.

Meet trained dogs to smell old looted treasures

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The dogs are trained to discover ancient treasures to combat the traffic of cultural heritage.


Photos of the first polar bear born in Britain in 25 years

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The "safe and curious" puppy was born in the Highland Wildlife Park in Kincraig, Scotland.


Stephen Hawking: Scientists in public

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From the Presidents' Meeting with the Popes, we return to some of Professor Hawking's most notable public appearances.


The three great contributions of Stephen Hawking to science

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The physicist will mainly remember three things, says scientist Maggie Aderin-Pocock.

Stephen Hawking in God, artificial intelligence and the future of humanity

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Hear five inspirational perspectives from world-famous physicist Stephen Hawking, who died at the age of 76.


The greatest wish of Professor Stephen Hawking

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The physicist, who died at the age of 76, suffered from motor neuron disease.

Professor Hawking has changed our vision of the universe.

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The visionary physicist Stephen Hawking is 76 years old.


Baby gorilla from the western plains in Congo

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Rare pictures were taken of a baby, an endangered lowland western gorilla, in the Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park, Congo.

Microplastic are garbage & # 039; riverbeds

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Victoria Gill of the BBC examines under the microscope the microplastic that hides in our waters.


Baby gorilla in the week lowlands west Congo

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Baby rare images of a critically endangered western lowland gorilla Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park, Congo were made.


Penguins pose for car photos in Antarctica

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Two emperor penguins ran into a camera that was abandoned by an Australian Antarctic explorer.

red squirrels by marta driven

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Number of red squirrels in Scotland driven by the activity of the marten.

Five ways to break with plastic

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Toothbrushes boar hair beeswax food packaging, here's how you can empty single-use plastic.


Emma Storm: The weather caused accidents and stranded trains

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combined with Emma it storm chaos in Britain caused.

the largest population of penguins in the Antarctic Peninsula

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the largest population of the Antarctic Peninsula, more than 1.5 million penguins, the islands are in danger.


Flock of starlings because & # 039; & # 039 roadblock; in Norfolk

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The birds were caught at 14:30 GMT on Wednesday Flitcham near Lynn King.


Moon for 4G mobile network

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Vodafone and Nokia establish plans for a 4G wireless network on the moon in 2019 to set.

Is the United Kingdom to win the race graphs?

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The scientist who won the Nobel Prize for his work with graphs concerns about the research funding.

Blizzard Survival Skills: Building a snow hole

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experience in Cairngorms National Park Jo Whalley, resulting in a snowstorm when they do get lost.


published baby seals wild winter storms saved

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The pups were separated from their mother during a storm at the end of last year.


Antibiotics in animals reduce rates to fight superbugs

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thereby reducing veterinarians and staff team doctor the use of antibiotics in agriculture.


Belle Baby, the high hand Rhino

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Belle was born with a broken leg and is the first white rhino calf hand up Cotswold Wildlife Park.



Woburn Safari Park: elephants survive deadly virus Tarli

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Tarli, an elephant endangered in Asia, the odds suggested to defeat an Ebola-like virus.

Scientists have developed a lung infection probe finds

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The probe allows access alveolar lung of a patient, which means that doctors will be able to diagnose much more quickly and accurately lung diseases.


reveal Antarctic iceberg Shipping set Hidden Empire

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Video shows scientific iceberg hope of a hidden realm of Antarctica to reveal for thousands of years.


Nigeria & # 039; landless salad

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Green sea containers increasingly businessman.


The dry desert astronauts for life on Mars prepared

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The researchers created a simulation of the red planet in hopes alive day people.


Dippy Diplodocus begins his tour in the UK in Dorchester

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Replica dinosaur 70 feet long (21m) simply pressed into their new home in Dorset.

Plastic pollution is a peak in the Arctic reached a virgin time

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Here is why the Arctic is not what you see in the pictures.


The story starts a rocket Elon Musk

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own rocket payload Tesla, Elon Musk, and two of the three rockets landed segments.

Plastic bottle system, could help the clean oceans

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While the extent of plastic pollution is becoming increasingly evident in the world's oceans, he could help deposit schemes bottle to reverse the trend?

What & # 039; It happens in a young child & # 039; s brain?

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Scientists want to learn more about how very young children develop a sense of self more.


Peculiarities in the room

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A car, a golf ball, a cake ... and other items of items shipped in cosmic travel in recent years.

The history of the rocket launch Elon Musk

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own rocket payload Tesla, Elon Musk, and two of the three rockets landed segments.

The plastic bottle system, help clean the oceans could

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While the extent of plastic pollution is becoming increasingly evident in the world's oceans, he could help deposit schemes bottle to reverse the trend?



Space Shuttle Columbia crew that never came

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It was 15 years ago, has returned since the disaster, the Columbia on Earth after a fact-finding mission.

Polar bear caught in the cam collar

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Tracking collar high-tech polar bears reveal a struggle increasingly Arctic, according to scientists.


Orca says & # 039; hi & # 039;

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A killer whale to learn a science experiment to imitate words like "hello" and "goodbye".

The & # 039; large blue Blutmond & # 039; around the world

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The eyes of the world look to see a lunar event skyward.

Space Shuttle Columbia & # 039; last mission

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It was 15 years ago, has returned since the disaster, the Columbia on Earth after a fact-finding mission.


Makeup artist makes drawings with dead insects

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Jasmin Ahumada, California, spiders and bees give the face to create a distinctive look.

blue blood Supermoon: Be ready prepared for a rare celestial event

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A super moon lunar eclipse and Blue Moon is about to happen at once. This is what you need to know.

RSPB Minsmere Murmuration Starling Winter

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Starlings take a spectacular aerial ballet to heaven before they create on bass.


edible dressing bear & # 039; legs burned

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are after two bears in fires in California hurt to get a creative solution to bounce back.


NTA: David Attenborough on Blue Planet II & # 039; impact

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passionate speech by Sir David Attenborough to NTA had everything to protect "our beautiful world."

cloned monkey clones were first created in the laboratory primates

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Two monkey named Zhong Hua Zhong Hua became the first cloned primates.

App shows to combat the charging stations water plastic waste

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Thousands of water stations are set up to combat the use of plastic - with users will be able to find them by an application.


ISS cosmonauts made & # 039; Flight tests & # 039; a vacuum

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Russian cosmonauts Anton Shkaplerov he said to ask lots of questions of people have when it was possible.

Antarctica & # 039; Weddell Sea & # 039; MERIT protection status & # 039;

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Scientists have to protect a special status corals, penguins and other animals mentioned in the Antarctic.


Man to risk his life to save pink dolphins

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Fernando Trujillo works in dangerous areas of the Amazon to save the rare species.


Mayon Volcano Lava throws Philippines

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Volcanologists says it imminent "risk of explosion" could flee as thousands the area around Mount Mayon in the Philippines.


& # 039; Mid-Air & # 039; remove the surgeon to tumor 19 kg

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Look surgeons as they remove tumors 19.5 kg of the body of a woman.

Wallaby since police on Sydney Harbor Bridge slide

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The unusual sight of a Wallaby limit on the Sydney Harbor Bridge has surprised motorists in the early morning hours.


wait dachshund puppies for Cloned Newmarket

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Minnie Winnie was created by science from its owner won a contest.

Baby Panda Yuan Meng debuted in France

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The first panda was born in France in front of everyone.


the smallest cat in the world of rare animals Sequence

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They weigh about 1 kg, and his eyes are six times stronger than humans.


Street Birmingham cutting air pollution

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Local residents take part in an experience of a day to reduce traffic and improve air quality.

Ben Saunders polar explorer shares her favorite tips

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Ben Saunders led 13 expeditions since 2001 and has about 4,000 miles traveled in the sky.

A large plastic without street in 2042?

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Many high street stores use plastic to protect your fruit and vegetables.


Great Barrier Reef: Warming seas & # 039; Convert & # 039 turtles women;

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Sex green sea turtles depends on the temperature and is too feminine today.

As North Carolina & # 039; Alligator has survived the cold snap

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use reptiles, a trick when water freezes in which they live,

A marine biologist say a humpback whale rescued a shark

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A marine biologist say a humpback whale rescued a shark in a recent research expedition


Puppy eyes influence the choice of the dog

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The dog raises its rate of influence "inner eyebrow" quickly finds a new home


Pioneer Astronaut John Young dies

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US astronauts John Young, stealing the moon twice and sent the shuttle mission first space has died at 87, NASA said.


& # 039; Pioneer & # 039; Astronaut John Young dies

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US astronauts John Young, stealing the moon twice and sent the shuttle mission first space has died at 87, NASA said.


Florida iguanas fall from trees

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They're not dead, just relax in the cool temperatures in the United States.


Take your eyes on the road with VR

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Tired to drive on the road? Now you can go into virtual reality with a new Renault car drivers.

What woman with a bionic hand you can feel

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Scientists have released the first bionic hand with a sense of touch, which can be used outside the laboratory.


Solving a problem like waste recycling

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Dan Johnson, the BBC visited a factory in Southwark to see how to deal with the accumulation of recycling.

Technology, the gene used editing & # 039; & # 039 molecular scissors;

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In 2012, an edit form gene was discovered, it is called CRISPR caso.9. to modify use of "scissors" to a specific DNA strand.

Weather: What to Expect in 2018

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More hurricanes? The rising temperatures? BBC weatherman Tomasz Schafernaker look forward to year.


discovered large meteorite in the sky in the UK

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People in the UK have reported seeing a green light beam in the sky Sunday night.


2017: A great year in science

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Back in top science stories of the 2017th

Scientific papers in 2018 come

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The world of science correspondent Rebecca Morelle BBC shows what to look for the new year.