
Spacecraft Rosetta & # 039; such emergency landing

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Rosetta, broadcast the spectacular images of a comet, his trip ends to crash.

fly aboard a plane through the jet stream

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Science editor David Shukman will begin on the measurement plane of the jet stream, to find out how it affects our time.


Huge blue topaz stone gave the Museum of Natural History

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A blue topaz stone is believed to be the biggest, it will go on bail at the Natural History Museum.

Why Europe anyone water column?

obtain additional evidence to show that Jupiter's icy moon Europa water squirts into the room.

Michele Dougherty, professor of space physics at Imperial College London, told the Today program about the importance of the discovery in the search for extraterrestrial life.

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Why this woman flies 4500 miles?

British ecologist Sacha Dench is the first step in an epic miles paramotor flight 4500, which leads to the Russian Arctic in the UK.

It Flyway Bewick swan trying to understand why their number is halved in the past two decades continued.

Your flight transported over 10 weeks in 11 countries, strong winds and cold - and finally through the channel -. In an attempt to observe the habits of swans and discover the dangers they are exposed as they fly

The BBC team in Moscow was to meet Sacha in one of its judgments.

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the moon; colored water dripping Jupiter & # 039

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Jupiter's moon Europa, closer to detect a step, whether said Life in Space NASA that the water jets Welling saw.


Pangolin: The majority of victims of trafficking in mammals worldwide

The little known to the victim pangolins mammals in the world, the fears could disappear.

A meeting of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) to be in South Africa this week instead of the illegal pangolin trade could make.

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How to encourage hedgehogs in your garden

Hedgehogs are in dramatic decline, has lost a quarter of the population in the last decade.

Now you are more likely to see a hedgehog in an urban garden in the countryside.

Funk House by Andrew Bomford came with Henry Johnson, an officer urchins to promote like hedgehogs in your garden.

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Scientists solve the mystery of singing fish

If the barge California residents heard ringing their submarine in the 1980s, they thought that they could come from noisy sewage pumps, military experience or even aliens.

But it was the lively nightlife of Ensign; an appeals court, and the source of a secret biologists have decided.

The researchers conducted the fish in his laboratory to understand why the night sang.

The results of the teams from the United States - are published in the journal Current Biology .

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Four rare white lion cubs born in Poland

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Four rare white lion cubs were born at a zoo in Poland.

Prince William: & # 039; We need more trade in illegal ivory do & # 039;

The Duke of Cambridge has called on world leaders to do more to combat illegal wildlife trade.

At an event in London nonprofit Tusk, Prince William said he was not ready to tell their children, "why we lost this battle when we had the tools to win."

His comments before the meeting will be held in Johannesburg.

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Neck; See what can do a button battery on a child & # 039

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Fergus Walsh Medical correspondent shows what can happen when a button battery is housed in a neck of the child, to warn by the surgeon about the risks.


Asian Studies Queen Wasp

Invasive Hornet Killer Bees was discovered in the UK for the first time.

The Asian hornet is near Tetbury, Gloucestershire, and is working to find their nests and destroy.

Nicola Spence, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, explains how the queen wasp was to find the only way to stop the spread.

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Fearnley-Whittingstall ivory trade & # 039; Ban & # 039;

There should be a total ban on ivory sales, which can be as old, not verified, by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall boss who was examined trade in a new documentary.

The trade in ivory is legal only if it is classified as an antique, which is more than 70 years, but the British government should tighten the rules in the coming days.

Mr Fearnley-Whittingstall said today program - Presenter Nick Robinson that illegal ivory merges with the legal "very fast" on the world market ivory.

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If your cat on a leash?

Kill all year Cat billions of birds and other animals in the world and must be leashed or suppressed, according to a new book.

Dr. Peter Marra, author of Cat Wars and cat behavior specialist Dr John Bradshaw discussed whether cats should be allowed in the circulating program today .

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Bangkok: lizards Lumpini Park raided

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A park in Bangkok was overrun by lizards.

indestructible microtiter; Knowing the Earth & # 039

Researchers have discovered a secret "robust animal" genetic survival of earth. A gene that scientists have identified in this strange aquatic creatures - called tardigrades - help, cooking in order to survive, freezing and radiation.

University of Computer from out Tokyo have a specific gene Tardigrade discovered a DNA protection protein encoded; This protein prevents around it by wrapping like a blanket DNA damage.

In the future, researchers say, it could be used to protect human cells.

Videos courtesy of DD Horikawa, T Kunieda, University of Tokyo

Video produced by Victoria Gill

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Solar tuk-tuk full tour India UK

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Naveen Rabelli engineer has completed a journey of 6,000 miles from India to Britain in a solar tuk-tuk.


As Indonesia & # 039; rare birds are threatened with extinction

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A BBC team finds rare hawks Java for sale, but environmentalists say it needs to do more to combat illegal trade in birds in Indonesia.


A new map of the Milky Way

The European Space Agency has released details about the position and brightness of more than a billion stars.

They were collected by the space telescope Gaia in the last three years.

The study will be used to ever create the most accurate map of our galaxy.

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intelligent Rabe course uses tools

Such rare bird that has been extinct in the wild, has reached an elite intelligent animal; Hawaiian Crow, of course, use tools to get the food.

The bird includes now only one other corvids - New Caledonia - Crow niche in this exclusive development.

Dr Christian Rutz St. Andrews of the University, described his realization that the bird can be a tool for the discovery of the user as a "teachable moment". He and his international team of colleagues have published their discovery in the journal Nature .

Images courtesy of Crow San Diego Zoo and World University St. Andrews

Video produced by Victoria Gill

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The turtle saved the species from extinction

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Diego Turtle, 100, has produced nearly 800 children in their native archipelago.


As Star Trek inspired & # 039; two generations and # 039; scientist

Star Trek was a "relationship of inspiration" in the space program, said Robert Picardo, who played the doctor hologram in Star Trek Voyager.

The successful science fiction series celebrates 50 years since its original broadcast to an audience of American television.

In an interview with BBC Radio 5 Live , Mr Picardo said that now there were two "generations" of people who "inspired" to enter the fields because of Star Trek - technology.

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NASA launches probe the asteroid Bennu study

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A probe named OSIRIS-REx asteroid, focusing on the list of potentially hazardous asteroids NASA.

DNA study identified four different types Giraffe

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A DNA study shows that giraffes are not a type, but four.


& # 039; Ring of Fire & # 039;: sun and moon rises

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Thousands of people watched as the moon moves in front of the sun, a so-called "ring of fire".

Crick, one of the & # 039; opened more biomedical laboratory

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largest biomedical laboratory in Europe, the Francis Crick Institute, opened in London.

SpaceX Falcon rocket exploded as Cape Canaveral

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SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket uninhabited the ignition of the engine is driven for a test when the explosion occurred.


& # 039; & # 039 The oldest; pink cockatoo dies at 83

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A pink cockatoo in captivity died as the oldest bird of its kind in a US zoo.