
VIDEO: Aboard the camera captures rocket landing

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An onboard camera the successful landing of Falcon 9 SpaceX rocket from the space after the launch of a communications satellite in Asia recorded.


VIDEO: The ice blocks are less & # 039 refrigerators; dumb & # 039;

A factory in Wales produces refrigerators prototypes that could use less power than conventional models.

Your refrigerators frozen large blocks of ice overnight, while some utilities pay less for electricity, and use it to keep food cold throughout the day.

storing a version of the refrigerator vaccines two weeks remain long cold, reports Roger Harrabin BBC.

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VIDEO: A paradise for water rats at risk

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Water Vole has the most endangered mammal in the UK has become, but a project in Worcestershire tried to stop the decline.


new underwater depth of the sea; China & # 039: VIDEO

Science correspondent for the BBC Rebecca Morelle sees a life-size model of a submarine hoping China to take people to the sea - the Mariana Trench in the Pacific, a depth of nearly 11,000 (36,000 ft).

Read more: How the scientific super-sizing China

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VIDEO: Did Neanderthals create stone rings?

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Stone rings is believed to be created by Neanderthals were found in France


VIDEO: How does a pig man helped see again

China represents one fifth of the blind people in the world: more than 8 million of its population of 1.4 million.

Corneal disease is responsible for about half of these cases, and for many people the only hope is a transplant.

Due to lack of human cornea, last year, the Chinese government has given the green light for the experimental use of pig corneas in the past year.

200 operations were performed.

Wu Pinggui speaks after transplantation the BBC the cornea of ​​a pig in his eye.

Read more: How the scientific super-sizing China

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VIDEO: Hunting & # 039 universe; s foreign particles

Science correspondent Rebecca Morelle BBC traveled deep into a research complex in Daya Bay, in southern China, where scientists more foreign object search in the cosmos - neutrinos.

Read more: How the scientific super-sizing China

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VIDEO: Storm Chaser Kansas tornadoes Movies

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A news crew was filming tornadoes from Dodge City in Kansas. At least two people were injured in violent storms.


VIDEO: How a pig man was seen again

China represents one fifth of the blind people in the world: more than 8 million of its population of 1.4 million.

Corneal disease is responsible for about half of these cases, and for many people the only hope is a transplant.

Due to lack of human cornea, last year, the Chinese government has given the green light for the experimental use of pig corneas in the past year.

200 operations were performed.

Wu Pinggui speaks after transplantation the BBC the cornea of ​​a pig in his eye.

Read more: How the scientific super-sizing China

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VIDEO: What Fracking mean vote in 20 seconds

For the first time in four years in England a Council voted to approve to frack for shale gas application.

Officers in North Yorkshire approved plans for the controversial extraction method for use near the village of Kirby Misperton in Ryedale District.

John Moylan says what it means.

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VIDEO: & # 039; Scary but nice & # 039; Flash movie

For years, Darren Soh, a landscape and architectural photographer, wanted to capture spectacular movie poster ray of Singapore.

At the weekend he had finally got his opportunity. He told the BBC how lightning captured during one hour and produces a composite image that has been widely shared as in social networks.

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The largest radio telescope; The structure of the world & # 039: VIDEO

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Rebecca Morelle scientific trip to China BBC equivalent, which give a large spherical hinge opening level telescopic five hundred meters - or fast, short.


VIDEO: The piece of space history is the slow way

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A large fuel tank, built originally leads the program of the NASA Space Shuttle, a slow ride through the streets of Los Angeles to its new home.

VIDEO: Are & # 039; Killer & # 039; Hornets head to Britain?

They were the killer bees intruders targeted nickname, killing several people in France, but the deadly Asian hornet is in the UK?

Members of the public believe that they said some in the south of England and the people to be vigilant to see were.

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VIDEO: When the eagle owl chicks met a man

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Video captured a chick owl in Croatia to meet a man for the first time.


VIDEO: See a Robot Insect in action

Scientists designed airplane, the size of the insect robot perch and ceilings can start.

Using the robot, which is called electrostatic adhesion, the same method, stick with the static balloon on the walls.

Perch allows robots to save energy.

The results, published in the journal Science, contributing to a ten-year effort Microrobotics Harvard laboratory.

Videos courtesy of MA Graule, SB Fuller, Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering / Harvard University

Video produced by Victoria Gill

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VIDEO: Fireball in the police dashcam caught

A bright fireball shot into the sky on Tuesday morning at 0500 GMT (0100 EDT) several states and parts of Canada to illuminate in the Northeastern United States.

The bright flash was apparently burned by a meteorite left its way through the earth's atmosphere.

The incident was recorded on camera, including dashcam an officer of the Police Department Plattsburgh, which can be seen here.

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VIDEO: Explosive volcanic caught on camera

dramatic video of Turrialba volcano eruption Costa Rica has been detected with an infrared camera.

An explosion pushes a cloud of volcanic ash, gas and rocks from the volcano 30 miles east of the capital San Jose.

This video was made national seismological network of Dr. Mauricio M Mora and has accelerated.

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VIDEO: Elephant molars extracted lazy

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An elephant at the zoo in Whipsnade is food extracted by stops and starts to lose weight rotten tooth.


VIDEO: Trapped fox cub rescued from drain

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A fox coat come to the rescue in a drain and the Wildlife Rescue and Ambulance Service East Sussex.


VIDEO: rare footage of mercury Sun

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NASA image capture transit of Mercury from the Sun, one of the few times in this century.

VIDEO: Dying coral reefs & # 039; & # 039; opaque meaning fish

Researchers in Australia and Sweden have discovered that coral bleaching and death has a direct effect on how the live reef fish learn may have about their environment - mainly as predators to avoid.

The team of James Cook University in Queensland and Uppsala University conducted tests in enclosed spaces "Mini Reef" simulates the environment they were studying.

They put the girls on their reefs, half of them healthy coral contained, contains the other half, the skeletons of dead coral.

Then trained scientists the fish to detect the smell of a new predator - this perfume pairing with another chemical release Castañuela when attacked. Only fish healthy reefs learned the smell of new predators and hid in reaction among the coral. In the dead reefs the fish was still to be investigated, to rely vulnerable.

The researchers say that their results show worrying signs of the direct impact of coral damage in the behavior and survival of marine animals.

The results are published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B journal .

Coral reefs Timelapse images courtesy of Pim Bongaerts and images courtesy of damsel fish Oona Lönnstedt and Mark McCormick

Video produced by Victoria Gill

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VIDEO: How daughter & # 039; DNA led to deadly

A man, a girl 32 years ago was sexually assaulted and stabbed sentenced to life imprisonment for his murder.

Melanie Road, 17, was attacked while the way home from a nightclub in Bath in June 1984 Opening.

Christopher Hampton, 64, was captured in 2015 after police his daughter stopped for an offense, and his DNA profile led to his father.

Jon Kay informed Bristol.

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VIDEO: Scientists: 21% of the plants threatened with extinction risk

The scientists published their first global assessment of the state of plants in the world.

They warn that 21% of all plants are threatened with extinction and are facing a number of threats.

The investigation was conducted by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew in the UK.

Rebecca Morelle reported.

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VIDEO: & # 039; Box & # 039; Attenborough takes ship & # 039; name

new polar research vessel of the prior art in the UK is the name of Sir David Attenborough, even if the winner out in a public competition of control that to call it "Boaty McBoatface" been.

This name is to call the inspiration of one of its submarines, as Sarah Campbell reported.

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VIDEO: Celebrating 90 Attenborough

As part of the celebration of the 90th anniversary of Sir David Attenborough BBC BBC Rewind check out some of the highlights of the beloved naturalist and broadcaster.

He appeared on our screens more than 60 years in the Zoo Quest out before you to define the genre of nature documentary with a series of innovative shows.

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VIDEO: Solar Impulse lands safely in Arizona

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Solar Impulse is a system driven only by solar energy plane landed in Arizona, California, after a flight of 16 hours.


VIDEO: Helping hand for cold birds

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can Owls struggling to continue in the cold, wet and cold temperatures Yorkshire People do give their best to the birds a helping hand to survive, as reported by Paul Murphy.